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4DOS * 4OS2 * 4NT
Introduction and Installation Guide
Developed By
Rex Conn and Tom Rawson
Documentation By
Hardin Brothers, Tom Rawson, and Rex Conn
Published By
JP Software Inc.
P.O. Box 1470
East Arlington, MA 02474
(781) 646-3975
fax (781) 646-0904
We couldn't produce products like 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT without
the dedication and quality work of many people. Thanks to:
JP Software Staff: Christine Alves, Mike Bessy, Janet
Casey, Ed Lucas, Ellen Stone.
On-line Support: The staff at CompuServe's PC-NET,
Software Tool and Die (Brookline, MA) and TIAC (The
Internet Access Co., Bedford, MA); Brian Miller and Tess
Heder of Channel 1 BBS, Cambridge, MA.
Beta Test Support: The sysops of CompuServe's CONSULT
Beta Testers: We can't list all of our beta testers
here! A special thanks to all of you who helped make
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT elegant, reliable, and friendly.
The following tools are used in creating our products:
Compilers: Watcom C, Microsoft C, Microsoft Macro
Assembler, Borland Turbo Pascal
Libraries: Spontaneous Assembly (Base Two), Turbo
Professional (Turbo Power Software),
C/Windows Toolchest (Mix Software)
Editors: Edix (Emerging Technology), Boxer
(Boxer Software)
Debuggers: Watcom Debugger (Watcom), Soft-ICE and
Bounds Checker (Nu-Mega Technologies)
Version Control: PVCS (Intersolv)
Documentation: Microsoft Word for Windows
Copyright 1999, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. 4DOS,
4OS2, and 4NT are JP Software Inc.'s trademarks for its
family of character-mode command processors. Take Command is
a registered trademark and JP Software, jpsoft.com, and all
JP Software designs and logos are trademarks of JP Software
Inc. Other product and company names are trademarks of their
respective owners.
How to Use This Manual.......................................2
Contacting JP Software.......................................3
Technical Support............................................4
Before You Contact Us....................................4
Electronic Support.......................................6
Telephone Support........................................6
Registration and Upgrade Information.........................7
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT......................9
Built-In Commands............................................9
The Command Line............................................12
Aliases and Batch Files.....................................14
Chapter 2 / Installation........................................18
Preparing for Installation..................................18
Installing an Upgrade...................................19
Starting the Installation Software..........................19
Installation of an Electronically Purchased Copy........20
Installation from a JP Software Diskette or CD-ROM......20
Installation of a Downloaded Trial Copy.................22
Uninstalling the Program....................................23
Chapter 3 / The Help System.....................................25
Using the Help System.......................................25
Important Help Topics.......................................26
Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)........................28
Primary and Secondary Shells................................28
Command Line Options........................................29
Creating or Modifying Startup Files.........................34
Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes........................35
4DOS Installation Notes.....................................35
Older Versions of DOS...................................36
Manual Installation of 4DOS.................................36
Extracting or Copying the Program Files.................36
Branding" 4DOS..........................................37
Updating CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT....................38
Creating or Copying 4DOS.INI............................39
4DOS Files and Directories..............................40
The 4DOS Help System........................................41
4DOS and Your Computer......................................41
4DOS and DOS................................................43
4DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.x..............................44
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / i
4DOS and Microsoft Windows 95/98............................45
Installing 4DOS Under Windows 95/98.....................45
Creating 4DOS Shortcuts.................................46
Windows 95/98 Registry Extensions for 4DOS..............47
Installing the KSTACK Program in Windows 95/98..........48
Using 4DOS on a Network.....................................49
4DOS and Novell Netware.................................50
Using 4DOS Under OS/2.......................................50
OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines (VDMs)........................50
Creating OS/2 Desktop Objects for 4DOS..................51
Uninstalling 4DOS Manually..................................53
Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes........................55
4OS2 Installation Notes.....................................55
Manual Installation of 4OS2.................................55
Extracting or Copying the Program Files.................55
Branding" 4OS2..........................................57
Updating CONFIG.SYS.....................................57
4OS2 Files and Directories..............................58
Creating Desktop Objects for 4OS2...........................59
The 4OS2 Help System........................................60
Using STARTUP.CMD...........................................62
Uninstalling 4OS2 Manually..................................63
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes.........................64
4NT Installation Notes......................................64
Manual Installation of 4NT..................................65
Extracting or Copying the Program Files.................65
Branding" 4NT...........................................66
Updating System Files and the Registry for 4NT..........67
4NT Files and Directories...............................68
Creating Desktop Objects for 4NT............................68
Creating Explorer Shortcuts.............................69
Creating Program Manager Items..........................70
The 4NT Help System.........................................70
Uninstalling 4NT Manually...................................71
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / ii
Welcome, and thanks for purchasing 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT!
We started developing these products when we realized that our
computers could be a lot more powerful and a lot more helpful than
they were. Whether you are a computer novice or an experienced
power user, we think that our products will help you get the most
out of your IBM PC or compatible computer.
We offer three different products which work with different
operating systems:
* You can use 4DOS with all versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS
from 3.1 through 7.1 and above ("MS-DOS 7" is the DOS
portion of Microsoft Windows 95/98). You can also use it
with all versions of DR DOS / Novell DOS / OpenDOS from
3.4 through 7.0 and above, and in DOS sessions started
under Windows 3.0 or 3.1, Windows 95/98, OS/2 2.x, and
OS/2 Warp 3 and 4.
* You can use 4OS2 with OS/2 2.1 and above, and OS/2 Warp 3
and 4.
* You can use 4NT with Windows NT 3.5, 3.51, 4.0, and above.
Once you have 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT installed, you can learn to use
it at your own pace. Each program has more than 90 commands and
hundreds of enhanced features, but you don't have to learn them
all, or learn them all at once. Relax, enjoy the program's power,
and browse through the manual occasionally. Press the F1 key
whenever you need help. 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT will soon become an
essential part of your computer, and you'll wonder how you ever
got along without it.
We are constantly working to improve our products. If you have
suggestions for features or commands that you think we should
include in the next version, or any other way we could improve our
product, please let us know. Many of the improvements in this
version were suggested by our users, and while we can't promise to
include every suggested feature, we really do appreciate and
consider your comments.
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT are related programs that work in text or
command-line mode. If you use Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98,
Windows NT, or OS/2, we also offer Take Command, a graphical
program that includes the power of 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT plus
several additional features, and which runs in a desktop window.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 1
* Take Command/16 runs under Windows 3.x, Windows for
Workgroups, and Windows sessions in OS/2.
* Take Command/32 runs under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.
* Take Command for OS/2 runs on the OS/2 Presentation
Manager desktop.
You can use these products to maintain a common working
environment and run the same commands, batch files, and aliases
under DOS, OS/2, Windows, Windows 95/98, and Windows NT.
Additional products for use on the same system are available at
a discounted price for 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT users. Our JP CD
Suite includes all six products. Licenses for multiple systems
are also available. Contact your software reseller or JP
Software for more information.
How to Use This Manual
This manual is only one part of the documentation that you
will need for 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT. It introduces the product
and will help you install it correctly on your computer. It
also gives you specific information about using the program
in your particular environment (for example, using 4DOS under
DOS, Windows, or OS/2).
The second part of our documentation is the Reference Manual
and the online help. They contain complete information about
the commands and features of 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT.
You should start with this introductory manual whether you
are new to our programs or you are upgrading from a previous
version. Once you have successfully installed 4DOS, 4OS2, or
4NT you can move on to the Reference Manual or the help for
detailed information on commands, features, and
The first three chapters of this manual introduce the
products and help you install the program and its built-in
help system. Chapters 4 - 7 contain additional details about
each product and operating environment. We encourage you to
review the material in the later chapters to see what applies
to you (particularly if you are using 4DOS under Windows
95/98 or OS/2, or with Novell Netware). However, in many
cases you will not need the information in Chapters 4 - 7
unless you are working at a more technical level, or run
into some unexpected difficulty.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 2
Most of the first part of this manual describes commands and
features which are available in all three products. When we
need to discuss the features or behavior of a single product,
we mention it specifically in the text. When an entire
paragraph or section applies to a specific product, we use
marginal text to identify that product:
4DOS marks sections that apply only to 4DOS.
4OS2 marks sections that apply only to 4OS2.
4NT marks sections that apply only to 4NT.
Each of our products also includes complete online help for
all commands. The 4DOS and 4OS2 help systems can be
configured to link to help on standard DOS and OS/2 commands
as well, if the corresponding help files and programs are
available on your system. Our online help provides much of
the same information that is available in this manual and the
Reference Manual, but in an electronic form which you can
access quickly. The online help also includes details about
changes in the latest version of our products, compatibility
with other products, and additional technical information.
See page 25 for more information about the online help.
Finally, be sure to check README.TXT for last-minute notes on
the current release, or if you are installing a downloaded
update to 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT.
Contacting JP Software
You can contact JP Software at the following addresses and
numbers. Our normal business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
weekdays, eastern US time except on holidays. Please review
the following section before contacting us for technical
Address: JP Software Inc.
P.O. Box 1470
East Arlington, MA 02474
Main number: (781) 646-3975
Fax: (781) 646-0904
Order Line: (800) 368-8777 (US / Canada, orders only)
Support Line: (781) 646-0798 (US / Canada, see below)
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 3
Internet: World Wide Web: http://www.jpsoft.com/
FTP: ftp.jpsoft.com
Sales / Customer Service:
Technical Support**: support@jpsoft.com
CompuServe: Sales / Customer Service: 75020,244
Technical Support and File Downloads**:
Use Quick Reference Word JPSOFT, or GO
CVTHREE, section / library 2 (JP
Software), User ID 75300,1215.
** Technical support messages should be sent as standard
ASCII text. Please do not transmit attached files,
binary files, screen images, or any file over 10K bytes
in size to any of our electronic technical support
addresses unless asked to do so by our support staff.
For access to JP Software files use our web site, ftp site,
or CompuServe library, as listed above. Our files may also
be available from other on-line locations, but we can't
promise that files downloaded from other sites will be the
same as files provided directly by us, or that they will be
up to date.
Technical Support
Before You Contact Us
Before contacting us for support, please check this manual,
the Reference Manual, the online help, and other
documentation for answers to your question. If you can't
find what you need, try the Index. If you're having trouble
getting 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT to run properly, see the
Troubleshooting, Service, and Support topic in the online
help for any relevant information (in 4DOS, check the
Compatibility section as well), and look through the
README.TXT file for any last-minute information for your
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 4
If you do need to contact us for support, it helps if you can
give us some basic information. The first four items listed
below are essential for us to be able to understand and
assist you with your problem:
* What environment are you working in? This includes
the operating system version are you using, the
version of the JP Software product involved, and
related information such as network connections and
the name and version number of any other software
which appears to be involved in the problem. Use the
VER /R command to determine the command interpreter
and operating system version.
* What exactly did you do? A concise description of
what steps you must take to make the problem appear
is much more useful than a long analysis of what
might be happening.
* What did you expect to happen? Tell us the result
you expected from the command or operation in
question, so that we understand what you are trying
to do.
* What actually happened? At what point did the
failure occur? If you saw an error message or other
important or unusual information on the screen, what
exactly did it say?
* Briefly, what techniques did you use to try to
resolve the problem? What results did you get?
* If the problem seems related to startup and
configuration issues, what are the contents of any
startup files you use (such as CONFIG.SYS,
AUTOEXEC.BAT, 4START, 4EXIT, and the .INI file), any
batch files they call, and any alias or environment
variable files they load?
* Can you repeat the problem or does it occur randomly?
If it's random, does it seem related to the programs
you're using when the problem occurs?
If you have a problem with a batch file or complex alias,
please contact us electronically if possible. Include an
exact copy of the batch file or alias in question, preferably
as part of the text of your message (not as an attachment).
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 5
If you do not have electronic access, contact us by fax if
possible. Problems of this type are usually very difficult
to diagnose over the telephone because we cannot see the
material you are working with. If your batch file is longer
than about 20 lines, please try to reproduce the problem in a
smaller test file; otherwise it will probably be impossible
for us to understand and recreate the difficulty you found.
If you need more in-depth assistance with the development of
complex batch files or other procedures, please contact us
for information on consulting services.
Electronic Support
Usually the best way to contact us for support is via email
(you can also contact us in our CompuServe support
conference). Our CompuServe and Internet addresses are
listed on page 4.
Whenever possible, we also read messages posted on the
Usenet comp.os.msdos.4dos newsgroup, (this newsgroup is
named for 4DOS, but carries messages related to all JP
Software products). This newsgroup offers valuable
information and discussions with other users, but is not
managed by JP Software, and is not an official support
channels. To be certain of a direct answer from our
support staff use email, or contact us by telephone, fax,
or mail.
Additional support resources are available from our web site
at htp://www.jpsoft.com/, including error message listings,
documentation files, product histories, technical tips and
discussions, other technical information, and links to other
companies' sites. We update this information regularly, and
we encourage you to check the Technical Support area of the
web site to see if the information there will address any
questions you have.
Telephone Support
Telephone technical support within the US and Canada is
handled on a callback basis. To contact our support staff,
call our US / Canada Support Line at any time and leave a
short voice mail message describing your technical problem.
The telephone number is 781-646-0798. This line can not be
used for sales and customer service issues such as pricing,
ordering, upgrades, or shipping problems. We check messages
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 6
regularly throughout the day, and will return your call as
quickly as possible.
We generally return all technical support calls within 24
hours (weekends and holidays excluded), and most are returned
much more quickly, usually on the same business day. If your
problem is urgent and requires a faster response, please let
us know and we will try to accommodate you. If you contact
us by telephone and don't receive a reply within 24 hours,
please try again. We may have tried to return your call and
been unable to reach you.
If you are calling from outside the US and Canada, are not
sure if your question requires technical support, need other
assistance in addition to your technical questions, or find
yourself playing "telephone tag" with our support staff,
please call our main number, 781-646-3975. Our office staff
will assist you with all of your concerns, and have a
technical support representative call you back if necessary.
Registration and Upgrade Information
If you purchased 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT from a software dealer,
your copy came with a registration card. Please fill out
this card and return it promptly to JP Software. It ensures
that we have a record of your registration so that we can
give you ongoing technical support and notices of upgrades.
If you purchased 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT directly from JP
Software, or ordered an electronic copy via our web site, you
are already registered and no registration card is necessary.
Once you are a registered user, with each notice of a major
upgrade you will receive The Prompt Solution, JP Software's
customer newsletter. The Prompt Solution also includes tips
for using 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT, and information about other
products from JP Software. Registration also entitles you to
full technical support via electronic mail, fax, mail, or
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT are upgraded regularly through
maintenance releases, designed to fix minor problems or
improve compatibility, and major upgrades which contain
enhancements and additional features. Maintenance releases
are identified by a change in the hundredths digit of the
version number, for example from 6.0 to 6.01 or 6.02, or in a
letter suffix (e.g. 6.01B). Major upgrades are identified by
a change in the tenths digit or "ones" digit, for example
from 6.0 to 6.1 or 7.0.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 7
Major upgrades can be purchased from JP Software or your
dealer. You can download maintenance releases from our web
site (http://www.jpsoft.com/), or from the CompuServe or BBS
locations listed under Contacting JP Software on page 3. You
can also order them on disk at a nominal cost.
As a registered user, you will automatically be notified when
a major upgrade is released. We don't send out notices when
maintenance releases become available, because you don't
usually need them unless you're having a problem. If you
call with a problem that's been addressed in a maintenance
release, we'll mail you a copy on disk or assist you in
downloading it.
If you want to know when a product update is available, visit
our web site at http://www.jpsoft.com/. Notices are posted
there whenever one or more of our products is updated, and
email or other automated methods for upgrade notification may
become available on the web site in the future.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 8
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT are command interpreters or "Shells." That
means that they display a C:\> or [C:\] prompt, wait for you to
type something, and then react to your commands. Our programs
replace the default command interpreters that are supplied with
your operating system. 4DOS replaces COMMAND.COM for DOS, Windows
95/98, and for DOS sessions under OS/2. 4OS2 and 4NT replace
We've designed our products so that you don't have to change your
computing habits or unlearn anything to use them. If you know how
to display a directory, copy a file, or start an application
program, you already know how to use our command interpreters --
and if you're not used to using the command line, you'll
appreciate our programs' comprehensive online help and the way
they make the command prompt straightforward and easy to use.
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT understand all of the commands you may already
know and add to them. Their purpose is to make the command line
friendlier, easier to use, and much more powerful and versatile
without requiring you to use or learn a new program, a new set of
commands, or a new style of work.
In this section, we introduce a few of the features we have built
into our products. We don't have room to list them all or to
explain all of the options available in each; that's what the
Reference Manual and online help are for. This section will just
give you a taste of what you can expect from your computer once
you have your new command interpreter installed.
As you read through this section, remember that you don't have to
use any of these features except the ones that appeal to you.
Learn just the parts that will make your computer easier for you
to use, and add more features to your repertoire as you find that
you need them.
Built-In Commands
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT support every command you already know,
add to the features of each command, and also add dozens of
new commands.
For example, the traditional DIR command, which displays a
list of files, has about 8 options. The DIR command in our
products has most of the same options plus almost 20 more.
With the enhanced DIR command, you can:
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 9
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
* Display a list of files in 1, 2, 4, or 5 columns with
the commands:
c:\> dir
c:\> dir /2
c:\> dir /4
c:\> dir /w
* Use colors to indicate different kinds of files,
display file descriptions (text to remind you of the
contents of a file) along with file names, and sort
files according to several different criteria.
* Display hidden and system files, along with normal
files. For example, this command displays all of the
files in the current directory, whether they are
"hidden" or not:
c:\> dir /a
* Display files of one type or of several types
together. For example, this command lists all .TXT,
.DOC, and .ASC files in the current directory:
c:\> dir *.txt;*.doc;*.asc
* Display files from a single directory, from one part
of the directory tree, from a single drive, or from
several drives.
* Use wildcards to display all file names that start
with the letter "A", end with the letter "A", or have
an "A" anywhere in the name:
c:\> dir a*
c:\> dir *a
c:\> dir *a*
* If you use Windows 95/98 or Windows NT, you can view
either "long" file names, "short" file names, or
That's just an example of some of the enhancements we have
added to one command. 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT have added
enhancements to virtually every command you've used before
and include dozens of new commands as well. You don't have
to learn to use them all, but you will find many commands and
enhancements that will make your computer more powerful and
easier to use. For example:
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 10
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
* COLOR lets you set the default colors to use on your
c:\> color bright white on blue
Additional features let you customize the colors you
want to use for parts of the display, for input and
output, and for specific kinds of files.
* LIST displays the contents of files in text or
hexadecimal mode, lets you search a file, and can
print either an entire file or a single page from a
c:\> list readme.txt
* FFIND searches for files based on their names and
their contents. For example, to find all files on
drive C: with the string "now" somewhere within their
c:\> ffind /s *now*
To find all .TXT files in the current directory which
contain the string "then" somewhere in the file:
c:\> ffind /t"then" *.txt
* SELECT lets you pick the files you want to work with
from a full-screen, "point and shoot" display. This
command, for example, lets you select files from the
current directory to copy to the floppy in drive A:
c:\> select copy (*.*) a:
* EXCEPT lets you work with all of the files in a
directory except those that you want to exclude. It
is something like wildcards in reverse. (A related
feature, "exclude" ranges, also works like reverse
wildcards, and can be used to exclude files from any
internal command.) This command copies all files
from the current directory to drive A: except backup
(.BAK and .BK!) files:
c:\> except (*.bak;*.bk!) copy *.* a:
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 11
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
The Command Line
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT are much more than just a collection of
commands. They include a number of features which make the
command line easier to use:
* Interactive help appears whenever you ask for it and
also any time you use a command incorrectly. Type:
c:\> help
when you need help. You can also press F1 to view
the help Table of Contents. If you have typed part
of a command, F1 displays help on the first word on
the command line.
* The command line works like a single-line word
processor. You can edit any part of the line at any
time before you press Enter to execute it or Esc to
erase it. You can move the cursor left and right by
a single character, a single word, or jump to the
beginning or end of the line. You can delete,
insert, or type over characters anywhere on the
command line.
* 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT keep track of each command you
execute. You can display past commands, execute them
again, or make changes before you execute them. The
past commands can appear on the command line (if you
press -), or in a pop-up window (if you press PgUp).
* If you don't want to type a complete file name as
part of a command, you don't have to. Just type part
of the name and then press the Tab key: a matching
file or directory name will appear on the command
line. Press the Tab key again to see the next
matching file. To choose from all matching files in
a pop-up window, press F7 or Ctrl-Tab.
The ability to complete filenames easily can be
invaluable on a drive with long filenames - all you
have to do is type part of a lengthy file or
directory name and press Tab. The command
interpreter fills in the rest.
* 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT keep track of each directory you
have visited. There are many ways to return to
previous directories; perhaps the easiest is to press
Ctrl-PgUp to view past directories in a pop-up
window. Select the directory you want, press Enter,
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 12
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
and you will immediately change to that directory,
even if it is on a different drive.
* Our programs also use an extended directory search
"database" that will help you move, almost instantly,
to any directory on any hard drive on your system
when you type just part of the directory name.
* Our command interpreters include features that let
you select files by size, date, and time; to use
multiple sets of wildcards at once; and to associate
applications with their data files. For example,
this command makes it simple to copy all files in the
current directory that have been updated in the last
week to a backup disk:
c:\> copy /[d-7] *.* a:\
Or you can delete all .BAK files that are greater
than 1 MB in size:
c:\> del /[s1M] *.bak
With a simple change you can make the command delete
the same files, but from the entire drive rather than
just the current directory (use a command like this
with caution!):
c:\> del /s /[s1M] *.bak
* 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT let you associate file extensions
with particular applications. For example, it's easy
to start your word processor and load a letter
anytime you type the name of an .LTR file:
c:\> set .LTR=c:\wp\wordproc.exe
After you have defined the association, you can start
your word processor and have it load your letter to
Mom, MOM.LTR, with this command (assuming the file is
in the current directory):
c:\letters> mom
* You can also run multiple commands at one time. If
you know the next 3 commands you need to run, you can
type them all at once and then sit back while they
are executed one at a time. For example, to copy all
of your .TXT files to drive A: and then display the
directory of drive A:
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 13
Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
4DOS c:\> copy *.txt a: ^ dir a:
4OS2, 4NT [c:\] copy *.txt a: & dir a:
We don't know how you use your computer, or how you would
like it to work, so we have made our programs as flexible as
possible. With the included configuration utility you can
configure almost every part of 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT to suit
your needs or your whims. To start the configuration
utility, type
c:\> option
For example, you can decide what colors to use for what
purposes, how file names are displayed in command output, and
command line editing details ranging from the size and
location of pop-up windows to the shape of the cursor.
4DOS If conventional memory is tight on your DOS computer, you can
configure 4DOS to squeeze out every last possible byte, using
extended (XMS) memory, expanded (EMS) memory, upper memory
blocks (UMBs), or conventional memory. In many
installations, 4DOS uses just 256 bytes of conventional
memory, leaving as much room free as possible for memory-
hungry DOS application programs, memory-resident utilities,
and games.
Aliases and Batch Files
We've left two of the most popular and powerful features,
aliases and batch files, for last.
Aliases are short sequences of commands which are stored in
memory for very fast execution. Aliases can assign complex
tasks to simple names or single keystrokes, define new
commands, and set defaults for internal commands and for
almost any application on your computer. They are the
primary method we offer for customizing your command line to
suit your needs.
Here are a few examples of how you could define simple
aliases to make the command line easier to use. The first
two provide shorthand names for the DIR command -- D displays
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Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
a directory, and D2 displays a 2-column directory, sorted
vertically, with a pause at the end of each page:
c:\> alias d dir
c:\> alias d2 dir /2pv
Once these definitions have been entered, all you have to do
is type D or D2 at the prompt to execute the corresponding
You can also define aliases as shorthand ways to execute
applications, usually without having to add the application's
directory to your PATH. For example, this alias allows you
to just type EDIT to run your editor, even if its directory
is not on the PATH:
c:\> alias edit e:\edfiles\editor.exe
You can put a whole group of commands into an alias so that
you can invoke them without typing each one. This alias
changes directories, runs the FINPROC program, and changes
back to the original directory (the back-quotes [`] are used
to enclose an alias when it contains more than one command).
This alias should be entered on a single line:
4DOS c:\> alias monthly `pushd c:\monthly ^ finproc ^ popd`
4OS2, 4NT [c:\] alias monthly `pushd c:\monthly & finproc & popd`
This short description explains only the basics of what
aliases can do. Like most 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT features,
aliases can be as simple or as complex as you like. You can
save your aliases in a file and reload them each time the
command interpreter starts (otherwise, you'd have to redefine
them each time); assign aliases to keystrokes so they can be
invoked quickly; write aliases which use other aliases; and
use aliases within batch files. For complete information on
aliases see Chapter 4 of the Reference Manual, the ALIAS
command in Chapter 6 of the Reference Manual, or the online
Batch Files
A batch file or batch program is a text file that contains a
list of commands to execute. 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT read and
interpret each line as if it had been typed at the keyboard.
If you're an experienced batch file programmer, or if you
want an easy introduction to batch file programming, you
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Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
won't find anything more powerful than our built-in batch
The batch language includes simple commands to display menus,
boxes, lines, and colored text to dress up your batch file
displays; a full range of user input commands; over 70 built-
in variables that let your batch files test system
configuration, device status, and free memory and disk space;
and almost 100 built-in functions that let your batch files
read from files, find the date, perform calculations, and
manipulate strings.
Our batch files run 2 to 10 times faster than traditional
ones. They can include subroutines, loops, IF/THEN/ELSE
logic, and even exception handling. And you can run them in
single-step mode to debug them easily, learn exactly what
each line does, or view changes to environment variables and
other information as the batch file executes.
Here are a couple of examples of simple batch files. The
first example displays several pieces of information about
your system status, using built-in variables provided with
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT:
echo System status as of %_date at %_time:
echo CPU: %_cpu
echo Coprocessor: %_ndp
echo Screen size: %_rows x %_columns
echo Boot drive: %_boot
echo DOS version: %_dosver
echo Command processor version: %_4ver
echo Country code: %_country
The next example clears the screen, displays a short menu,
accepts some input from the user, and displays the result (a
more useful version of this file would actually perform the
requested action; for now we're just trying to give you the
overall flavor of our batch enhancements). The TEXT command
displays a block of text on the screen, the SCREEN command
positions the cursor, and the INKEY command accepts a single
keystroke from the user:
screen 5 0
Choose an option:
1 - Word processing
2 - Spreadsheet
3 - Load the network
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Chapter 1 / Introducing 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT
screen +1 0
inkey Enter your selection: %%sel
screen +2 0
echo You entered: %sel
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Chapter 2 / Installation
Chapter 2 / Installation
All copies of 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT come with automated software
that makes installation simple and straightforward. The
instructions for running this software vary depending on whether
your copy came on a diskette or CD, or was downloaded from an on-
line source.
The installation software will set up the command interpreter
automatically if you wish, and we recommend that you use this
method. However, if you prefer to set up the program yourself you
can allow the installation software to handle only certain
required tasks (such as extracting files from a distribution
disk), and perform the remaining steps manually. Manual
installation is covered in detail for each product in Chapters
5 - 7.
Preparing for Installation
You can install and use each of our products under most
recent operating system versions. If you are using an older
version of any operating system, or you want to use a product
under a different operating system than the one for which it
is sold, consult Chapter 5, 6, or 7 (depending on the
product) for details on compatibility before proceeding with
We strongly recommend that you install your new version of
4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT in a new directory or folder, rather than
using the same directory as a previous version, or a
directory used by other software.
4DOS When installing 4DOS under Windows 95/98, we also strongly
recommend that you use a short name for the 4DOS directory
(i.e. a name where each element of the path uses more than
eight characters for the name and three characters for the
extension, with no white space or other special
characters). If you install 4DOS in a directory with a
long name, you will have to determine the equivalent short
name and use it throughout the installation process.
When you install your new command interpreter, some system
files (e.g. CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, or your system
registry) may need to be modified. You can allow the
installation software to make these changes automatically, or
you can make them yourself at a later time (see Manual
Installation in Chapters 5 - 7 for details). The Express
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Chapter 2 / Installation
Installation option (see below) updates system files
automatically; the Custom Installation option prompts you for
confirmation before system files are updated.
You will normally use a command or DOS prompt to begin the
installation process. The command prompt can be run using
the default command interpreter (COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE) or a
previous version of the product you are installing. If you
are unsure of how to start a command prompt for installation,
use these instructions:
4DOS If you are running plain DOS, just use your current DOS
prompt. If you are running Windows or Windows 95/98,
start an "MS-DOS prompt" session, or a 4DOS session if
you have a previous version. If you are running OS/2,
start a "DOS Window" or "DOS Full Screen" session from
the Command Prompts folder.
4OS2 Start an "OS/2 Window" or "OS/2 Full Screen" session
from the Command Prompts folder.
4NT Start an "MS-DOS Prompt" session, or a 4NT session if
you have a previous version.
You can also use your operating system's "start" mechanism,
such as the Windows 95/98 Start button, to start the
installation program directly. However, the instructions
below assume you are working from a command prompt.
Installing an Upgrade
Use the standard installation instructions below to install
an upgrade. The installation procedure is essentially the
same as when you are installing a new copy of the program.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, you may have a
4DOS.INI, 4OS2.INI, 4NT.INI, and / or 4START or 4EXIT files
in the previous version's directory. To use these files with
the new version, you must copy them to the new directory, and
update the .INI file in some cases. You can allow the
installation software to perform these steps automatically,
or you can perform them yourself at a later time (see
Chapters 5 - 7 for details).
Starting the Installation Software
Our products are distributed using four standard methods:
via electronic purchase, on a single-product diskette from JP
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Chapter 2 / Installation
Software, on the JP CD Suite, or in a downloaded .ZIP file.
Instructions for each format are below; be sure to follow the
instructions which correspond to the way you obtained the
If your copy of the program came from a collection of trial
software on CD or diskette, and is stored in a .ZIP or other
similar file, use the instructions which refer to a
downloaded copy, even if you did not actually download the
Installation of an Electronically Purchased Copy
If your copy of 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT was purchased and
delivered electronically (e.g., from the on-line ordering
section of our web site), you can simply extract the
downloaded files to a temporary directory, then start the
INSTALL.EXE program. It will offer the same Express and
Custom installation options described in the next section,
and you can follow the directions for those options below.
Installation from a JP Software Diskette or CD-ROM
To begin the installation process, make sure you have a
command or DOS prompt available (if you need instructions see
Preparing for Installation above). Then start the
installation program:
* If you have a JP Software diskette, put the disk into
drive A, then type this command at the prompt:
You can use drive B if you prefer, in which case you
should substitute "b:" for "a:" in the command above.
* If you have the JP CD Suite, put the CD into your
CD-ROM drive, then type one of these commands at the
where "d:" is the drive letter used for your CD-ROM.
The installation software will offer two options:
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Chapter 2 / Installation
* Express Installation will install the program
automatically on your system and, as necessary, make
appropriate modifications to CONFIG.SYS,
AUTOEXEC.BAT, your current command processor startup
files, and your system registry, without further
prompting (except for required directory
information). If you are installing the product
under Windows 95/98, Windows NT, or OS/2, a new object
will be created on the desktop to run the program.
* Custom Installation will extract or copy the 4DOS,
4OS2, or 4NT files to your hard disk, then prompt you
for confirmation before each installation step
(including modifications to system files and the
To install the program manually, use the Custom Installation
option to extract or copy the necessary files, skip the steps
you do not want performed automatically, and refer to the
Manual Installation instructions in Chapters 5 - 7.
The diskette and electronic purchase installation programs
also offer an Extract Individual Files option. This is used
for restoring damaged files, and is not needed during a
normal installation. It is not offered on the JP CD Suite,
because no "extraction" process is necessary - individual
files can be copied with a simple COPY command.
If you received your copy of 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT on a JP
Software diskette or CD-ROM, you will have a "brand card" or
label with a serial number and validation code (in some cases
you will have a separate card or label for each product). If
your diskette or CD was purchased directly from JP Software
the brand card will also include your registered name
(company or individual).
If your copy was purchased electronically the serial number
and validation code are included in the materials you
received as part of the purchase transaction.
The serial number and validation code constitute your
license, and are provided only with purchased copies, not
with trial copies.
A program which comes with each product checks your
registered name, serial number, and validation code, and
saves them for use by 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT. This process,
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Chapter 2 / Installation
which we call "branding," personalizes your copy and removes
the "unregistered copy" or other similar message which is
displayed if you skip this step. Depending on the
distribution mechanism used, some copies may not work at all
until they are branded. The actual brand program name
depends on the product (e.g. BR4DOS.EXE for 4DOS, etc.).
The branding program is run automatically during the
installation process. As you follow the instructions to
enter your name, serial number, and validation code, be sure
that all information is entered exactly as shown on the brand
card, label, or electronic branding information you received.
You cannot change spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
If you need to run the branding program manually, see the
instructions in Chapters 5 - 7.
You may also need to run the branding program when you
download a maintenance upgrade to any product. Branding a
downloaded copy converts it from a timed trial copy to one
fully registered to you. For this reason you should save
your brand card, label, or electronically delivered branding
information, in case it is needed when you download or
purchase an upgrade. If you lose the branding information
there is a charge to create a replacement card or label.
Installation of a Downloaded Trial Copy
To begin the installation process, make sure you have a
command or DOS prompt available (if you need instructions,
see Preparing for Installation above). Then:
* Make sure you have extracted the files into a new
directory using PKUNZIP or a similar utility.
* At the prompt, change to the directory with your new
copy of 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT. This step is essential.
* Enter the name of the program you are installing at
the prompt:
C:\4DOS600> 4dos
[C:\4OS2300] 4os2
[C:\4NT300] 4nt
4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT will then run its installation procedure
and set itself up for your system automatically. You can
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Chapter 2 / Installation
allow the installation software to modify system files
automatically, or modify them yourself at a later time.
If you have an up-to-date copy of 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT, and
have downloaded a maintenance upgrade, you may need to brand
the new version with your registered name and serial number
(see the previous section for details on branding). The
automated installation procedure for the downloaded copy will
start the branding program for you if possible. To brand a
downloaded copy manually, see the instructions in Chapters
5 - 7.
If you try to brand a downloaded copy of a new major release,
and you have not purchased a license for that release, the
branding program will display a message indicating that you
need to contact JP Software or your dealer for an upgrade.
Once you have ordered an upgrade you can continue to use the
downloaded trial version until your upgrade arrives.
The automatic installation procedure for downloaded copies
only runs the first time you start a new copy of 4DOS, 4OS2,
or 4NT. If you need to re-install a downloaded copy, use the
manual installation instructions in Chapters 5 - 7.
Uninstalling the Program
We don't expect you to have trouble using our programs, but
we know some people feel more comfortable knowing how to
uninstall a product as well as install it. Or, you may need
to remove the program from one system to move it to another
To remove a purchased copy of 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT just insert
the distribution diskette or CD, start the INSTALL program as
described on page 19, and select the Uninstall option.
Uninstall will offer you options which "undo" the
corresponding steps in the installation procedure. Complete
Uninstall will take all of the other steps automatically, and
remove the program entirely from your system.
The Uninstall option will attempt to reverse the changes made
during installation, including modifications to your system
files. However, if you have removed files, changed your
directory structure significantly, moved COMMAND.COM or
CMD.EXE, or otherwise modified your system configuration,
then the program may not be able to complete all of the steps
automatically and you will need to perform some of them
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Chapter 2 / Installation
You will also need to uninstall the program manually if you
installed it from a downloaded copy. See Chapters 5 - 7 for
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Chapter 3 / The Help System
Chapter 3 / The Help System
All of our products include complete online help. This chapter
provides a basic description of how to use the help system, and
lists important help topics you may want to refer to.
Additional details are covered in the help system itself. If you
need information on how to view the help text even when the
corresponding product is not running, or additional information on
configuring the help system for a specific product, see the
details for your product in Chapters 5 - 7.
Using the Help System
If 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT is running, you can start the help
system by typing HELP (or HELP plus a command name) at the
prompt, or by pressing the F1 key at any time at the command
line. The information in each help system is fully cross-
referenced, so you can move easily among related commands.
If you type part or all of a command on the command line and
then press F1, the help system will provide "context-
sensitive" help by using the first word on the line as a help
topic. If the first word is not a valid help topic you will
see the Table of Contents (in 4DOS), or an error message (in
4OS2 or 4NT). For example, if you press F1 after entering
each of the command lines shown below you will get the
display indicated:
c:\> Table of Contents
c:\> copy *.* a: Help on COPY
c:\> c:\util\map Table of Contents (4DOS);
error (4OS2 or 4NT)
If you type the name of any internal command at the prompt,
followed by a slash and a question mark [/?] like this
c:\> copy /?
then you will see help for the command in a quick-reference
Once you've started the help system, you can use a standard
set of keystrokes or mouse actions to navigate through the
help text.
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Chapter 3 / The Help System
Each help system can also be started "manually" (i.e.,
without the command processor running), and contains
information which may be helpful if you encounter
difficulties setting up 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT and configuring it
for your system. See Chapters 5 - 7 for details on starting
the help system manually.
Important Help Topics
The help system includes documentation for all 4DOS, 4OS2, or
4NT commands and features. It also includes many other
topics which may be of interest to you as you use the program
or which you may need for advanced installations.
This section lists some topics in the help system which you
may find useful:
* 4DOS.INI, 4OS2.INI, and 4NT.INI cover the .INI file,
including reference information on all .INI
* Starting 4DOS, Starting 4OS2, and Starting 4NT (under
Setup and Troubleshooting) explains the startup
command line, and contain links to related topics
like 4START and 4EXIT.
* What's New explains changes in recent versions of
4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT. Be sure to review this
information before working with any upgrade. This
section covers the current release and any prior
releases of the same major version. For older
historical information see our web site at
* Troubleshooting, Service, and Support (under Setup
and Troubleshooting) includes a list of error
messages and a discussion of useful diagnostic and
troubleshooting techniques. It also contains
information on contacting JP Software for technical
support, sales, customer service, and other similar
* Reference Tables (under Reference Information)
includes comprehensive lists of ASCII characters and
keyboard codes.
4DOS * Compatibility discusses using 4DOS with products
from other companies, including additional details on
using 4DOS with Windows, Windows 95/98, and OS/2.
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Chapter 3 / The Help System
4DOS * External (DOS) Help provides access to the MS-DOS /
PC-DOS help system. This feature will only work if
the 4DOS help program can find the DOS help program
on your disk (see the External Help topic itself for
details), and if the 4DOS help program has enough
memory to execute DOS help.
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
Once you have 4DOS. 4OS2, or 4NT installed on your computer, the
program is ready to run. However, you can configure each program
in various ways to suit your needs and preferences. Most of the
configuration or behavior of each program is controlled by aliases
you create (explained in Chapter 4 of the Reference Manual, and in
the online help) and by the .INI file (explained briefly below,
and in detail in Chapter 5 of the Reference Manual, and in the
online help).
A few configuration options can also be set on the startup command
line, which is explained here. In order to understand the startup
command line you will also need to understand primary and
secondary shells, so that topic is covered first.
If you do not need to alter the startup behavior of 4DOS, 4OS2, or
4NT, you can skip the remainder of this chapter. If you are using
our products under OS/2 or any flavor of Windows, we recommend
that you read through this chapter, since each time you create a
desktop object to run the command interpreter you will have to
create a startup command line for that object.
Primary and Secondary Shells
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT can be run as either primary or secondary
Under DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 95/98, a primary shell is
started from the CONFIG.SYS file with a SHELL= command.
Secondary shells are started when a program "shells" to the
DOS prompt or runs a "transient" (temporary) shell to execute
a specific command, or when you explicitly start a new shell
from a desktop object under Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98.
Under OS/2 and Windows NT, a primary shell is started each
time you start a new command-line session or window from the
desktop. A secondary shell is started when a program
"shells" to the command prompt, or runs a "transient"
(temporary) shell to execute a specific command.
Whenever you start a primary or secondary shell, you can
control the way that 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT starts by adjusting
the startup command line.
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
Command Line Options
A few of the command-line switches or options that 4DOS,
4OS2, and 4NT recognize are required in certain
circumstances; most others are needed only if you want finer
control over the way the program starts.
The line that starts 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT will typically
include the program name with drive and path, optionally
repeat the name of the directory where the program is stored,
and finally include any switches for the program, for
e:\4dos600\4dos.com e:\4dos600 /p
This command line may appear on its own (for example, in a
Windows or OS/2 desktop object), or in an operating system
directive (e.g. the SHELL command in the DOS, OS/2, or
Windows 95/98 CONFIG.SYS file). Specific details on where
you should enter the command line for each product are
included in Chapters 5 - 7.
Although the startup command line is usually very simple, you
can add a number of options if you need to customize the way
the command interpreter starts. The complete syntax for the
startup command line is:
d:\path\program [d:\path] [@d:\path\inifile] [//iniline]
[/D /E:nnnn /F /L /LA /LD /LH /P[:filename] /Q /S /T:bf
/X /Y] [[/C | /K] command]
Do not include the square brackets shown in the command line
above. They are there to indicate that the items within the
brackets are optional. Not all options are available in all
products; see below for details.
If you include any of the options below, you should use them
in the order that they are described. If you do not do so,
you may find that they do not operate properly.
The following items can be included on the command line:
* d:\path\program: The path and name of the executable
program file (4DOS.COM, 4OS2.EXE, or 4NT.EXE). It is
required to start 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT.
* d:\path: This is the second d:\path in the command
line above. It sets the drive and directory where
the program is stored, called the COMSPEC path.
4DOS, 4OS2, and 4NT use this path to find their files
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
and to set the COMSPEC environment variable (see your
Reference Manual or online help for more information
4DOS Under 4DOS, this option is generally required for the
primary shell, but not for secondary shells. In some
cases the primary 4DOS shell can find its directory
automatically and this option is not needed, but we
recommend that you use it on all primary shells to
ensure that the directory is found.
If you are running Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98 and
you do not load 4DOS as the primary shell in
CONFIG.SYS, you must use this option in each desktop
object or shortcut command line to allow 4DOS to find
its files.
4OS2, 4OS2 and 4NT normally know what drive and directory
4NT they are started from, so this option is not usually
* @d:\path\inifile: This option sets the path and name
of the .INI file. You don't need this option if you
aren't using an .INI file at all, or if the file has
the default name (4DOS.INI, 4OS2.INI, or 4NT.INI) and
it is either in the same directory as the executable
program or in the root directory of the boot drive.
This option is most useful if you want to start the
program with a specific and unique .INI file.
* //iniline: This option tells 4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT to
treat the text appearing between the // and the next
space or tab as an .INI directive. The directive
should be in the same format as a line in the .INI
file, but may not contain spaces, tabs, or comments.
Directives on the command line override any
corresponding directive in the .INI file. This
option may be repeated. It is a convenient way to
place a few simple directives on the startup line
without having to modify or create a new .INI file.
4DOS * /D: In 4DOS only, this option disables execution of
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or the file named in the AutoExecPath
directive in 4DOS.INI). It is intended for internal
use by MS-DOS / PC-DOS 6.x and 7.x (including Windows
95/98). When you press the F8 key during the boot
process, MS-DOS prompts for whether to run
AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you answer "No", the /D switch is
used to relay your choice to 4DOS. This option is not
available in 4OS2 or 4NT.
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
4DOS * /E:nnnn: In 4DOS only, this option sets the size of
the environment in bytes. If you don't use this
option, 4DOS will allocate 512 bytes for the
environment. You can use any value from 256 to 32000
as the environment size. For example, to set an
environment of 1,000 bytes, you would enter the
option as /E:1000.
You can also set the environment size with the
Environment directive in the 4DOS.INI file (see your
Reference Manual or online help). We recommend that
you use the directive instead of the /E switch, so
that all configuration information is kept in one
place in the 4DOS.INI file.
4OS2, 4OS2 and 4NT allocate space in the environment
4NT dynamically instead of using a fixed amount of space.
Therefore, this option is not available in either
4DOS * /F: This option tells 4DOS to automatically provide
a Fail response to all critical errors, without
prompting or waiting for a user response. It is
rarely used except on systems that must run
unattended, like bulletin boards. We do not
recommend use of this option on a normal system,
because you will not have a chance to react to a
critical error and correct the problem that caused
it. For more information on critical errors see
Chapter 3 of your Reference Manual, or the online
help. /F only affects critical errors detected by
4DOS, and will not affect critical error handling for
many application programs which perform this function
themselves. It is equivalent to the directive
CritFail=Yes in 4DOS.INI.
The /F option is not available in 4OS2 or 4NT.
* /L, /LA, /LD, and /LH: These options force 4DOS,
4OS2, or 4NT to use a local alias, directory history,
and / or command history list. They can be used to
override any LocalAlias=No, LocalHistory=No, or
LocalDirHistory=No settings in the .INI file. This
allows you to use global lists as the default, but
start a specific shell or session with local aliases
or histories. See your Reference Manual or online
help for details on local and global aliases and
histories. /LA forces local aliases, /LD forces
local directory history, /LH forces local command
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
history, and /L forces all three - local aliases,
command history, and directory history.
4DOS * /P[:filename]: This option tells 4DOS to load
permanently and to run AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you specify
a filename after the /P, that file will be run
instead of AUTOEXEC.BAT. You should specify the full
name of the file, including drive and directory. A
filename after /P will override the AutoExecPath
option in 4DOS.INI.
When 4DOS is loaded from the SHELL= command in
CONFIG.SYS, or as the shell for an OS/2 DOS session,
it will normally detect that it is the primary shell
and set the /P option automatically. Under very rare
circumstances, you may want to load 4DOS permanently
and have it run AUTOEXEC.BAT even though you are not
loading it from CONFIG.SYS; in such cases you must
set /P yourself. 4DOS will not run AUTOEXEC.BAT
without either an automatic or an explicit /P. Do
not use this option in secondary shells, or you will
be unable to return to the primary shell.
The /P option is not available in 4OS2 or 4NT.
4NT * /Q: This option, which is only available in 4NT, has
no effect. It is included only for compatibility
with CMD.EXE.
4NT, * /S: This option tells 4OS2 or 4NT that you do not
4OS2 want it to set up a Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Break handler. It
is included for compatibility with CMD.EXE, but it
may cause the system to operate incorrectly if you
use this option without other software to handle
Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break. This option should be avoided
by most users. It is not available under 4DOS.
4NT * /T:bf: This option sets the foreground and
background colors in the 4NT window. Both b and f
are hexadecimal digits; b specifies the background
color and f specifies the foreground color. This
option is included only for compatibility with
CMD.EXE; in most cases you should set default colors
with the StdColors directive in 4NT.INI, or the
corresponding Output Colors option on the Display
page of the OPTION command's configuration dialogs.
4NT * /X: This option forces 4NT to alter the operation of
the MD and MKDIR command to automatically create all
necessary intermediate directories when it creates a
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
new subdirectory. Its effect is the same as adding a
/S option to all MD and MKDIR commands (see the
Reference Manual or online help for details about the
MD /S command). This option is included for
compatibility with CMD.EXE. In CMD.EXE it enables
other options as well, but in 4NT the only option not
enabled by default is the implicit MD /S.
4DOS * /Y: This option forces 4DOS to enable the batch file
debugger for 4START and AUTOEXEC.BAT (or the file
named in the AutoExecPath directive in 4DOS.INI). It
is intended for internal use by MS-DOS / PC-DOS 6.x
and 7.x (Windows 95/98). When you press the F8 key to
enable single-stepping during the boot process and
then elect to single-step through AUTOEXEC.BAT, the /Y
switch is used to relay your choice to 4DOS. This
option is not available in 4OS2 or 4NT.
* [/C | /K] command: This option tells 4DOS, 4OS2, or
4NT to run a specific command after starting. The
command will be run after 4START, and after
AUTOEXEC.BAT in a 4DOS primary shell. The command
will be run before the prompt is displayed. The
command can be any valid alias, internal or external
command, or batch file. All other startup options
must be placed before the command, because the
command interpreter will treat characters after the
command as part of the command and not as additional
startup options.
When the command is preceded by a /C, 4DOS, 4OS2, or
4NT will execute the command and then exit and return
to the parent program or the desktop without
displaying a prompt. This is sometimes called a
"transient" command interpreter session.
In 4OS2 and 4NT, and in 4DOS when it is started as a
secondary shell (for example from the Windows
desktop), the /K switch has no effect; using it is
the same as placing the command (without a /C or /K)
at the end of the startup command line. It is
included only for compatibility with COMMAND.COM and
4DOS When you start 4DOS from the SHELL= line in MS-DOS /
PC-DOS 6.x and use /K, the command will be executed
instead of AUTOEXEC.BAT (for compatibility with MS-
DOS / PC-DOS 6.x COMMAND.COM). This behavior occurs
only in MS-DOS / PC-DOS 6.x, not in other DOS
versions or in Windows 95/98.
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Chapter 4 / Configuration (All Products)
For example, this command line will start 4DOS, execute any
4START file you have created, execute the file START.BTM, and
then display the prompt:
c:\4dos600\4dos.exe c:\4dos600\start.btm
This command line will start 4OS2, select local aliases,
execute any 4START file you have created, execute the file
PROCESS.BTM, and then exit when PROCESS.BTM is done. The
prompt will not be displayed by this session:
c:\4os2\4os2.exe /la /c c:\4os2\process.btm
Creating or Modifying Startup Files
Each of our products uses two files to control the way it
starts: a file of configuration information called the .INI
file (named 4DOS.INI, 4OS2.INI, or 4NT.INI), and a startup
batch file called 4START (depending on your operating system,
4START may have the extension .BTM, .BAT, or .CMD).
The .INI file is optional, except in 4DOS (see page 39 for
details). A small default .INI file may be created during
the installation process in some cases. The .INI file for
each command processor should be placed in the same directory
as the other files for that product. You can add additional
information to the .INI file manually with an ASCII editor,
or you can use the OPTION command to aid you in selecting
configuration options.
The 4START file is also optional. It is executed each time
4DOS, 4OS2, or 4NT starts, and gives you a convenient way to
load aliases and environment variables, and otherwise
initialize the command processor - especially under 4NT and
4OS2, which do not use an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 4START is
normally placed in the same directory as the other product
files, but this may vary if you use the same 4START file for
more than one product.
For complete details on startup files, on the OPTION command,
and on the 4EXIT file (executed when the command processor
exits), see your Reference Manual or the online help.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of 4DOS, 4OS2,
or 4NT, you may have a .INI file and / or a 4START (or 4EXIT)
file in the previous version's directory. To use these files
with your new version, you must copy them to the new
directory, and then update any paths in either file which
point to the old program directory.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
4DOS works well with virtually all PC hardware; with a wide range
of operating systems and environments, including MS DOS, PC-DOS,
Novell DOS / OpenDOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98, and OS/2 (see
page 1 for a complete list); and with all DOS-based,
Windows-based, and OS/2-based networks. Each environment makes
different demands on 4DOS and the user.
4DOS is not recommended for use under Windows NT, or supported in
that environment. If you are running Windows NT, use our 32-bit
Windows NT command interpreter, 4NT.
This chapter provides the basic information you need to run 4DOS
in any of the standard PC environments. If you need more detailed
technical information or troubleshooting assistance on any of
these topics, consult the Troubleshooting, Service, and Support
and Compatibility topics in the 4DOS online help.
If you are running under DOS and do not use Windows, Windows
95/98, OS/2, or a network, you can safely skip this chapter, and
return to it only if you have difficulty with 4DOS or questions
about how it interacts with other software.
4DOS Installation Notes
When you install 4DOS, your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
must be modified. You can allow the installation software to
make these changes automatically, or you can make them
yourself at a later time (see Manual Installation of 4DOS
below for details).
When installing 4DOS under Windows 95/98, we also strongly
recommend that you use a short name for the 4DOS directory
(i.e. a name where each element of the path uses more than
eight characters for the name and three characters for the
extension, with no white space or other special characters).
If you install 4DOS in a directory with a long name, you will
have to determine the equivalent short name and use it
throughout the installation process.
If you install 4DOS under Windows 95/98, the installation
program will create a Start menu group for JP Software
products, including 4DOS. In addition, a small group of
entries will be added to the system registry (if you allow
such modifications); for more details see page 47.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
If you install 4DOS in an OS/2 DOS session, the OS/2
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files will be modified to use
4DOS as your default command processor for OS/2 DOS sessions
(if you allow such modifications).
Installing 4DOS does not modify, remove, or otherwise alter
any of your other system files.
Older Versions of DOS
If you're running DOS 5 or earlier, we recommend that you
make a bootable system diskette before you install 4DOS (or
any other software, for that matter). This allows you to
recover in case of a power failure, error, or other
interruption during the installation process. See your DOS
documentation for details about creating a bootable floppy
In DOS 6 and above and in Windows 95/98, a bootable disk
usually is not necessary because the F5 and F8 keys can be
used to skip steps in the boot process and recover from
errors in configuration files. In OS/2, a bootable disk
usually is not necessary because the operating system will
boot normally whether the DOS command interpreter is
completely installed or not.
Manual Installation of 4DOS
This section is for advanced users, and assumes you are
generally familiar with CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and other
concepts such as ASCII editors and batch files. In most
cases, manual installation is not necessary because you can
select the installation options you need using the automated
installation program.
In order to install 4DOS manually, you must extract or copy
the necessary files, brand 4DOS if necessary, create or
modify any configuration files you need, and then create the
necessary commands to start the program on your system.
Extracting or Copying the Program Files
When you extract or copy the 4DOS files, be sure to place
them in their own directory, rather than using the same
directory as a previous version of the program, a directory
used by other JP Software products, or a directory used by
other software.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
We strongly recommend that you place all of the 4DOS files in
the same directory. See 4DOS Files and Directories on page
40 for some important considerations if you choose not to
follow this recommendation.
The method used to extract or copy the files depends on how
you obtained your copy of the program:
* If you have a JP Software diskette you must use the
installation program to extract the files, which are
compressed on the distribution disk. You cannot
simply copy the files onto your hard disk. Select
Custom Install and follow the prompts to specify the
installation directory and copy the files. Then exit
the installation program with Ctrl-X, or answer No
when prompted for whether to proceed with each
additional step.
* If you have a copy purchased electronically you must
use the installation program to extract the files as
described above. First extract the installation
files from the compressed file you downloaded into a
temporary directory, then run the INSTALL program.
Use the Custom Install option as described in the
preceding paragraph.
* If you have the JP CD Suite, all of the files are
stored uncompressed on the CD, in the \4DOS
directory, and you can copy them manually if you
wish. However, we still recommend that you use the
installation program to copy the files. Some files
may be renamed after copying, and some files are used
only during the installation process and do not need
to be copied to your hard disk. If you copy the
files manually, a few may not have the correct names,
and you may copy more files than you need, resulting
in wasted hard disk space.
* If you have a downloaded trial copy of the program,
or a copy distributed on a CD or diskette of trial
software, extract the files into a new directory
using the appropriate decompression program (e.g.
"Branding" 4DOS
(If you are not familiar with branding, refer to the general
information on page 21 before continuing with this section.)
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
If you have purchased a copy of 4DOS the automated
installation procedure will normally run the BR4DOS program
to check your name, serial number, and validation code and
"brand" 4DOS as a registered product (in some cases 4DOS may
not operate properly until this step is completed). If you
need to brand 4DOS manually, go to a 4DOS or COMMAND.COM
prompt, change to the directory where 4DOS is stored, and
enter the command:
c:\4dos600> br4dos
Follow the instructions displayed by BR4DOS to enter your
name, serial number, and validation code. All information
must be entered exactly as shown on your original brand card,
label, or electronically delivered branding information; you
cannot change spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
(Please Note: If you installed 4DOS to a directory with a
long name under Windows 95/98, you must determine the
equivalent short name for use when updating CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT. Paths in these files can not be entered in
long name form.)
When you're ready to finish installing 4DOS, you need to add
one line to your DOS, Windows 95/98, or OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file:
SHELL=d:\path\4DOS.COM d:\path /P
"d:\path" means the drive and directory where 4DOS.COM is
stored. The second "d:\path" on the SHELL= line should be
the same as the first, and is used to set the COMSPEC
environment variable properly. Be sure to delete or REMark
out any old SHELL= line for COMMAND.COM after you add the new
SHELL= line for 4DOS.
You can add any command line options to the end of the line.
See Chapter 4 on page 28 for information on command line
If you are running 4DOS under DOS 4.01 or earlier, you must
make sure that the portion of the SHELL= line beginning with
the second "d:\path", through the end of the line, does not
exceed 31 characters, due to a bug in DOS. For details, see
the Compatibility section in the online help.
If you are running 4DOS under OS/2, change CONFIG.SYS as
described above (don't forget to find and REMark out or
delete the old SHELL= line). Once you reboot, 4DOS will be
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
used automatically for all DOS objects which use the default
DOS_SHELL settings. See page 50 for more details on
configuring OS/2 DOS sessions to use 4DOS.
Next, if you are running under DOS, OS/2, or Windows 3.x, add
the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
where "d:\path" is the drive and directory where your 4DOS
files are stored. KSTACK.COM is a memory-resident program
used to support the KEYSTACK command. It requires about 1K
of memory, and can be left out of AUTOEXEC.BAT if you do not
Do not add the KSTACK line to AUTOEXEC.BAT if you are using
Windows 95/98. Under Windows 95, KSTACK should be loaded
separately for each 4DOS session; see page 48 for details.
If you have a line in AUTOEXEC.BAT which sets the COMSPEC
environment variable to point to COMMAND.COM, remove it or
REMark it out. If you set up the CONFIG.SYS file properly,
4DOS will set this variable automatically; setting it in
AUTOEXEC.BAT is likely to cause trouble later on (for
example, if you install an update to 4DOS in a different
directory, but forget to change the COMSPEC setting).
If you have a line in AUTOEXEC.BAT which copies COMMAND.COM
to a RAM disk for faster reloading when an application
program ends, remove it or REMark it out. Using a similar
command with 4DOS is not necessary; see the Swapping
directive in Chapter 5 of the Reference Manual, or in the
online help, for details about how 4DOS reloads itself.
When you've finished modifying CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT,
you can reboot your system to start 4DOS.
Creating or Copying 4DOS.INI
(For general information on the .INI file see page 34.)
4DOS requires a 4DOS.INI file with at least one line in it:
InstallPath = d:\path
where "d:\path" is the drive and directory where your 4DOS
files are stored (under Windows 95/98, this must be the short
name of the directory; long names cannot be used). This will
help 4DOS locate its auxiliary files, such as the help files
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 39
Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
and OPTION.EXE. The automated installation process always
places this line in 4DOS.INI. If you need to create the file
manually, you can do so with any ASCII file editor. The
InstallPath setting should be the first line in the file.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of 4DOS, you
should copy any 4DOS.INI file you have in the old directory
to the new one. Then add or modify the InstallPath directive
at the beginning of 4DOS.INI, remove any HelpPath directive
in the file (HelpPath is obsolete and has been replaced by
InstallPath), and update any paths in the file which point to
the old program directory (e.g. 4StartPath).
4DOS Files and Directories
We strongly recommend that you place all 4DOS files in the
same directory. If you do not do so, you will have to
explicitly set the locations of 4DOS files to avoid problems.
You may feel that you should place 4DOS.COM in the root
directory because it is a system-related file. We do not
recommend this practice; 4DOS will run just fine from its own
directory, and keeping it there makes configuration much
If you do wish to move files to different directories, the
following information will help you set up the programs
4DOS.COM is the 4DOS program file. It must be in the
directory specified by the SHELL= line in your DOS,
Windows 95/98, or OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file, or the directory
specified on the command line in every desktop object
used to start 4DOS.
4HELP.EXE is the 4DOS help program. For online help to
work, this file must be in the 4DOS installation
directory shown in the InstallPath directive in
4DOS.INI, or in a directory included in your PATH.
4DOS.HLP contains the text for the 4DOS help program.
It must be in the same directory as 4HELP.EXE, or in a
directory included in your PATH.
KSTACK.COM is the used by the KEYSTACK command. If you
wish to use the KEYSTACK command, this file should be
loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (under DOS, Windows
3.x, and OS/2) or separately for each 4DOS session
(Windows 95/98). This file does not have to be in the
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
4DOS directory. If KSTACK.COM has not been loaded, you
will see an error message when you attempt to use the
KEYSTACK command.
OPTION.EXE is a utility used by the OPTION command to
configure 4DOS. For the OPTION command to work, this
file must be in the 4DOS installation directory shown in
the InstallPath directive in 4DOS.INI, or in a directory
included in your PATH.
The 4DOS Help System
The 4DOS help program is called 4HELP.EXE; the help text is
stored in the file 4DOS.HLP. The 4DOS help system provides
complete help for 4DOS commands and features; on most systems
it can also launch the DOS help program to display help on
external DOS commands like FORMAT or SORT.
The section entitled The 4DOS Help System within the help
system itself explains navigation keystrokes and mouse usage
in more detail, as well as instructions on linking the help
system to DOS help or other help programs.
If you do not have 4DOS running, you can start the help
system by moving into the directory that contains your 4DOS
files (we assume that you are using C:\4DOS600 in this
example) and typing this command:
C:\4DOS600> 4help
You can use this command if you are unable to install 4DOS
completely for some reason; information in the help system
will likely help you solve the problem.
4OS2 also supports the /? switch to display help for any
command. Using /? will display brief help text for the
command within the 4OS2 window.
4DOS and Your Computer
4DOS will work on any IBM PC-compatible hardware, regardless
of the CPU type, amount of memory (assuming the minimum 256K
or so required to run 4DOS is available), disk configuration,
or video hardware. The notes below briefly cover memory,
video, and disk issues.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
4DOS knows how to use XMS memory, EMS memory, and Upper
Memory Blocks (UMBs) in order to minimize the amount of space
it takes in the 640K of DOS memory available to your
application programs. You can control 4DOS's memory usage
with directives in the 4DOS.INI file. For more details about
configuring 4DOS's memory usage see Initialization Directives
under .INI File Directives in the 4DOS.INI section of the
online help. You can also set most memory usage options
easily from the Startup page of the OPTION command's dialogs.
By default, 4DOS uses normal DOS memory ("low memory") for
its small resident portion of about 3 - 4K. 4DOS can reduce
its low memory usage by moving most of this information to
Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs), when requested with UMBLoad and
other UMB-related directives in the 4DOS.INI file.
Low memory is also used to hold the larger (about 200K)
transient portion of 4DOS while your system is at the prompt,
or executing an internal 4DOS command or batch file. When an
external application is running 4DOS moves its transient
portion to EMS or XMS memory (or the hard disk), so the
memory is available to the application. For additional
details see the Reference Manual or online help, and in
particular the documentation on the Swapping directive in
4DOS can normally adjust itself to your video hardware
automatically, regardless of your video adapter and the
number of rows and columns on your screen.
Most video problems turn out to be unrelated to 4DOS, and are
often due to the underlying operating environment (for
example, attempting to display blinking text in a window when
the underlying environment does not support this feature).
If you experience scrolling or color problems, you should
also check whether you have an ANSI driver installed, and if
so verify that it is configured correctly and can support
your video hardware.
Disk Drives
4DOS supports all types of disks including floppy disks, hard
disks, high-capacity removable disks, compressed drives,
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
network drives, and RAM disks. 4DOS never directly modifies
the FAT, root directory, subdirectories, or other system
areas of the disk, and it doesn't write any data on your disk
itself. It always calls on DOS to perform these actions,
just like most application programs do. As a result, 4DOS is
compatible with all disk sizes, formats, and structures that
your DOS version supports.
If you receive unexpected results related to a disk drive or
disk file (for example, an apparent error in the amount of
free space on a drive, or an "access denied" message when
attempting to use a file you thought was available), chances
are that 4DOS is merely reporting information provided by the
operating system, and is not the original source of the
4DOS and DOS
4DOS is compatible with MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.1 and above, DR
DOS / Novell DOS / OpenDOS 3.4 and above, Windows 95/98 (and
its built-in version of DOS, "MS-DOS 7"), and OS/2 DOS
sessions. See page 45 for additional important information
on Windows 95/98, and page 50 for information on OS/2.
More detailed information on 4DOS and DOS is covered in the
Compatibility section of the online help. If you use any of
the DOS versions or features listed below, you may want to
check that topic for additional information. This is only a
partial list of the DOS-related items discussed in the online
help. Inclusion of an item here does not mean it is
incompatible with 4DOS, but only that more information on it
is available in the help system. The help system includes
information you may need if you use:
* Any version of DR DOS, Novell DOS, or OpenDOS.
* Utilities which allow multiple configurations in your
DOS CONFIG.SYS file, including the MS-DOS or Windows
95/98 multiple configuration feature.
* The MS-DOS APPEND utility.
* The FORMAT /S and SYS commands (used to create a
bootable floppy disk) under MS-DOS or PC-DOS version
4.0 or above.
* The DBLSPACE and DRVSPACE disk compression utilities.
* The MS-DOS 6.x and Windows 95/98 HELP command.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
* The FASTOPEN utility.
* The MS-DOS 6.x and Windows 95/98 MOVE command.
* The MS-DOS / PC-DOS 6.x SMARTDRV disk cache.
4DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.x
This section applies to Microsoft Windows 3.x, including
Windows for Workgroups. See the next section for information
on Windows 95/98. For additional details on using 4DOS with
Windows see the Compatibility section in the online help.
4DOS works well as both the primary shell, loaded before
Windows, and as a secondary shell loaded inside any window.
It works in both Standard and Enhanced modes.
If you plan to run 4DOS under Windows we strongly recommend
that you install it as the primary shell in CONFIG.SYS (this
is the way 4DOS is normally installed). If you do not
install 4DOS as the primary shell, individual 4DOS sessions
will not be able to share global alias, command history, and
directory history lists; each 4DOS session will have to
process the .INI file before it starts; and, if you have two
or more 4DOS sessions running simultaneously from the Windows
desktop, they will use more system resources than they would
if 4DOS were installed as the primary shell.
To run 4DOS from within Windows, you will need to create a
new "4DOS" item on your Program Manager desktop. The generic
"MS-DOS Prompt" item supplied by Microsoft runs COMMAND.COM;
we recommend that you leave this icon's properties unchanged,
and create a new item for 4DOS.
You can set up a 4DOS item from the Program Manager's File /
New menu selection. To do so, simply create a new program
item and set the command line to d:\path\4DOS.COM (use the
appropriate drive and path for your system). Use the
Change Icon button to assign the standard 4DOS icon, in the
file 4DOS.ICO, to the shortcut (use 4DOSM.ICO for monochrome
You can put command-line switches, a command, or the name of
a batch file at the end of the command line for any 4DOS
item. This allows you to run specific commands or set
configuration options when you start 4DOS from that item.
However, no additional settings are required; the only
required item is the drive and path for 4DOS.COM. For
details on the command line options available for 4DOS items
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 44
Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
see Chapter 4, and the Starting 4DOS section of the online
If you use an alternate Windows shell, such as Norton Desktop
for Windows, see the documentation for your shell to
determine how to set up a new desktop object and assign an
icon to it.
For more flexibility, you can use the Windows PIF editor to
create or modify a 4DOS.PIF file. We have included a sample
.PIF file on the distribution diskette. You must modify this
file and make it correspond to your system configuration,
including the directory that contains 4DOS, before you use
4DOS and Microsoft Windows 95/98
This section provides basic information on using 4DOS under
Windows 95/98. For additional details see the Compatibility
section in the online help.
4DOS works well as both the primary shell, loaded before
Windows 95/98, and when loaded from the Windows 95/98 GUI.
If you are using 4DOS under Windows 95/98, we strongly
recommend that you install it as the primary shell in
CONFIG.SYS (this is the way 4DOS is normally installed). If
you do not install 4DOS as the primary shell, individual 4DOS
sessions will not be able to share global alias, command
history, and directory history lists; each 4DOS session will
have to process the .INI file before it starts; and, if you
have two or more 4DOS sessions running simultaneously from
the Windows 95/98 desktop, they will use more system
resources than they would if 4DOS were installed as the
primary shell.
If you have a typical Windows 95/98 configuration, and
install 4DOS as the primary shell, generally you must have an
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, even if it only consists of a single REM
statement. In most cases Windows 95/98 will not load the
primary shell if it cannot find an AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the
root directory of your Windows 95/98 boot drive.
Installing 4DOS Under Windows 95/98
The 4DOS installation program will install and configure 4DOS
correctly for Windows 95/98. If you are installing 4DOS
manually, follow the instructions under Manual Installation
on page 36.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
If you reinstall Windows 95/98, your SHELL= line will be
removed from CONFIG.SYS by the Windows 95/98 installation
process. To correct this, simply boot the new version and
use Notepad or another ASCII editor to put the SHELL= line
back in CONFIG.SYS as described in the manual installation
instructions on page 36, then restart Windows 95/98.
If you load Windows 95/98 in "safe mode" your startup files
(CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT) are ignored, and 4DOS will not
be loaded as the primary shell. When you start Windows 95/98
in "safe mode," in most cases you should NOT load 4DOS after
the GUI starts. DOS applications often do not work properly
in "safe mode."
Creating 4DOS Shortcuts
When 4DOS is installed it normally creates a JP Software
program group which appears on the Start Menu under Programs,
and includes items to start 4DOS and its online help. The
installation program also creates a desktop shortcut for
4DOS. These entries are created by the file JP4DOSSC.INF,
which is distributed with 4DOS.
If you have a downloaded trial copy of 4DOS, JP4DOSSC.INF may
not be installed automatically; if you want to install it you
may need to do so manually. See the comments below and in
the file for additional details.
If you need to create a similar program group or shortcuts
manually - for example, if the JP Software group on the Start
menu is inadvertently damaged or deleted - you can use the
Windows Explorer's facilities for creating shortcuts and
modifying the desktop and / or the Start menu (see below).
You can also reinstall JP4DOSSC.INF manually if you wish;
see the comments in the file for details.
To remove the desktop shortcuts and group created by
JP4DOSSC.INF, open the Windows Control Panel and select Add
/ Remove Programs. Select the item listed as "JP Software
4DOS shortcuts (remove only)" and click the Add / Remove
button. The 4DOS shortcuts will be removed without further
prompting, and the group will be removed if it becomes
empty. The removal operation may not work correctly if you
modified the group or shortcuts manually after they were
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
If you want to create additional shortcuts elsewhere on the
Start menu, or modify the Programs entries, click mouse
button 2 in an open area of the Task Bar, and select
Properties on the popup menu. Select the Start Menu Programs
tab and modify or adjust the menus as required.
You can also manually create one or more shortcuts on the
desktop to run 4DOS. To do so click with mouse button 2 in
any open area of the desktop. On the popup menu click New,
then Shortcut. Fill in the drive and path as
d:\path\4DOS.COM (use the appropriate drive and path for your
system). Add any other command line options you wish to set
to the end of the line.
You can also put command-line switches, a command, or the
name of a batch file at the end of the command line for any
shortcut. This allows you to run specific commands or set
configuration options when you start 4DOS from that shortcut.
For details on the command line options available, see
Chapter 4 and the Starting 4DOS section of the online help.
For more information on creating and configuring shortcuts or
modifying the Start Menu, see your Windows 95/98
Windows 95/98 Registry Extensions for 4DOS
JP Software distributes a file of registry extensions for
4DOS, for use under Windows 95/98 (for information on
registry changes for the Start menu and desktop shortcuts,
see the previous section). The registry extensions are
stored in JP4DOS.INF. Installing these extensions will:
* Designate 4DOS .BTM files (enhanced batch files) as
batch files. They will then be recognized as such by
the Windows Explorer;
* Provide an additional "open" option in the context
(mouse button 2) menu of all batch files, to
explicitly run the file with 4DOS; and
* Create a new entry in the context menu of drives and
directories to launch 4DOS in that drive / directory.
You will have the option to install JP4DOS.INF automatically
during the 4DOS installation process. You can also install
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
it manually by opening the 4DOS directory from within the
Windows Explorer, clicking on JP4DOS.INF with mouse button 2,
and selecting INSTALL from the popup menu. If you have a
downloaded trial copy of 4DOS, JP4DOS.INF will not be
installed automatically; you must use manual installation.
See the comments in the file for additional details.
JP4DOS.INF assumes that you have a relatively standard system
configuration. If you have modified basic items in your
registry (such as the characteristics of the system file type
"batfile"), the registry extensions may not work correctly.
To adjust the registry entries made when you install
JP4DOS.INF, open the Windows Explorer, and select Options on
the View menu. Click on the File Types tab and find the
listing for batch files (typically under "MS-DOS Batch
File"). Use the Edit button to adjust this listing.
JP4DOS.INF also makes minor changes to the Drive and
Directory types; you may want to modify these as well. Note
that some of these file types may not be editable on your
system, depending on the settings of various edit flags in
the registry.
To remove the registry entries created by JP4DOS.INF, open
the Windows Control Panel and select Add / Remove Programs.
Select the item listed as "JP Software's 4DOS Registry
Extensions (remove only)" and click the Add / Remove button.
The registry extensions will be removed without further
prompting. The removal operation may not work correctly if
you modified the registry entries manually after they were
JP Software's Take Command/32 also includes a .INF file which
creates registry extensions, some of which are the same as
those used by 4DOS. Therefore, if you remove the 4DOS
extensions you will also remove some extensions used by Take
Command/32. If this causes a problem, you can correct it by
manually reinstalling the Take Command/32 extensions after
removing those for 4DOS.
Installing the KSTACK Program in Windows 95/98
If you want to load KSTACK.COM (required for the KEYSTACK
command) it should be loaded separately for each 4DOS session
in Windows 95/98. To do so, include the KSTACK command as
the last item on the startup command line when you set up the
corresponding shortcut(s). For example, the command line for
your shortcut might read:
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
c:\4dos600\4dos.com c:\4dos600\kstack.com
This will load KSTACK when the 4DOS window is opened, then
display a prompt.
If you install KSTACK in AUTOEXEC.BAT, it may not work
properly when multiple 4DOS windows are open, as stacked
keystrokes may "bleed through" from one window to another.
You can also address this issue by loading KSTACK in your
4START file (see page 34), and using an IF command to make
sure it is not loaded from AUTOEXEC.BAT in the primary shell.
To do so, use a line like this in 4START:
if %_shell ne 0 c:\4dos600\kstack.com
Using 4DOS on a Network
This section will give you some tips on using 4DOS on a
network, and on the proper locations for 4DOS files on a
network. For additional details, and any additional
information about compatibility with your particular network,
see the Compatibility section in the online help.
In general, you'll find that you can load and run your
network software normally under 4DOS. Network drives will be
accessible as normal drives once the network is loaded, and
files on the network will be accessible just as if they were
on a local hard disk.
Some networks support file and directory names beginning with
a double backslash [\\], also called "UNC" names, or with a
server name followed by a colon, to identify files by their
location on the network. 4DOS detects such names and passes
them through to the network unaltered, allowing the network
software to process them.
Some networks support server disk partitions which exceed the
standard DOS 2 GB partition size limit. On these drives,
4DOS may not be able to return proper free space or total
space figures because the drive size information returned by
DOS is not accurate. If you have such a drive you may need
to use a network or server utility to obtain accurate
partition size and free space information.
If you need to boot a diskless workstation from a network
drive, see the Novell Netware topic under Software in the
Compatibility section of the online help. The techniques
described there will allow you to set your system up under
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
Netware to avoid accesses to the boot drive once 4DOS is
running, and can generally be used for other networks as
4DOS and Novell Netware
4DOS includes a special 4DOS.INI directive for Netware called
NetwareNames. You must set NetwareNames = Yes on systems
which load Netware, in order to avoid problems with destroyed
environment variables during LOGIN. See the Compatibility
topic in the online help for more information.
4DOS can also be set up to run on Novell Netware diskless
workstations which boot from the server. To do so, you must
make several changes to 4DOS.INI and your other startup
files; see the Compatibility section of the online help for
complete details.
Using 4DOS Under OS/2
4DOS offers almost unlimited flexibility for your OS/2 DOS
sessions, and has been specifically designed to take
advantage of OS/2 features wherever possible. However, to
use DOS, 4DOS, and OS/2 successfully requires some planning
if you want to get all the power possible out of each
operating environment.
This section explains some of the planning you should do and
some of the techniques you can use to get everything working
together correctly; you can find more advanced information in
the Compatibility section of the online help.
OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines (VDMs)
Under OS/2, you can have multiple desktop objects which start
DOS sessions, also called Virtual DOS Machines (VDMs). These
may include objects in the Command Prompts window, objects
for "migrated applications," objects for DOS and Windows
applications, and objects for batch files.
Assuming you set up your VDM objects as described in the
following section, 4DOS will be loaded as the shell each time
a DOS session starts. 4DOS will process 4DOS.INI, execute
your 4START file if you have one, and execute AUTOEXEC.BAT.
You can start any number of DOS sessions and (within the
limits of system resources) have as many running
simultaneously as you like.
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
This is fundamentally different from what happens when you
boot your computer under DOS or Windows 95/98. In those
environments there is only one 4DOS primary shell,
AUTOEXEC.BAT is only executed once each time you boot, and so
OS/2 gives you much more flexibility, but that flexibility
requires planning to get the most out of 4DOS. For example,
you can have all your DOS sessions use the same AUTOEXEC.BAT
file, or you can have different versions of AUTOEXEC.BAT for
different sessions. The same is true of the other startup
and exit files (4DOS.INI, 4START, and 4EXIT).
Each VDM object contains its own information about how to
start DOS and 4DOS for that session. In essence, each object
has its own CONFIG.SYS file built into it. The information
attached to an object which indicates how to start DOS is
called its DOS Properties or DOS Settings.
You can modify these settings using the OS/2 Settings or
Properties notebook for each object. Use the Program page of
the notebook to modify the object's program name, startup
directory, and command line parameters. The Session page
lets you set the session type. Other pages let you adjust
other configuration data for the object.
In a new object, each DOS setting starts out with a default
value taken from your CONFIG.SYS file. For settings which
have no corresponding command in CONFIG.SYS, OS/2 uses a
built-in default value. The DOS_SHELL setting, which
specifies the command interpreter to use for a DOS session,
defaults to the value on the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS.
The following section explains how to create OS/2 desktop
objects for 4DOS.
Creating OS/2 Desktop Objects for 4DOS
This section assumes you are running OS/2 Warp 4, with the
default desktop shell and a standard OS/2 desktop. If you
are using an earlier version of OS/2 or a different shell, or
have altered your OS/2 desktop configuration substantially,
you will need to take those changes into account as you read
the instructions below.
The 4DOS installation program normally creates a desktop
folder which contains an object to start 4DOS from your OS/2
desktop. If you want to create additional objects in other
folders, or directly on the desktop, click mouse button 2 on
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
the installed 4DOS object, select Copy on the popup menu, and
copy the object to another location. You can then alter the
properties of the new object if you wish.
If you need to create a new object for 4DOS, switch to the
folder where you want the object to appear and either copy an
existing object (use the Copy or Create Another selection on
the object's popup menu) or drag a Program Template in from
the Templates folder. The new object's Properties notebook
should open automatically. Use the Program page of the
notebook to modify the program name, parameters, and startup
To create a VDM object that gives you a standard 4DOS prompt,
place an asterisk [*] in the Program Name field. This tells
OS/2 to load the command interpreter and go to a prompt
instead of running a specific application. Then go to the
Session page and set the session type to DOS Full Screen or
DOS Window.
While you are on the Settings page, click on the DOS
Properties or DOS Settings button. 4DOS will run properly
with default DOS properties, but you may want to check that
the DOS_SHELL setting is correct, because this determines
which command interpreter OS/2 will load when the object is
used to start a session. The DOS_SHELL setting should be set
as described for the SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS (see page 38),
for example:
c:\4dos600\4dos.com c:\4dos600 /p
If you've set up CONFIG.SYS for 4DOS as described on page 38,
any new VDM objects you create will automatically use the
correct DOS_SHELL setting for 4DOS. However, VDM objects
which existed before you modified CONFIG.SYS may list
COMMAND.COM in the DOS_SHELL setting.
You can put command-line switches, a command, or the name of
a batch file in the Parameters field (on the Program page of
the notebook) for any object. This allows you to run
specific commands or set configuration options when you start
4DOS from that object. However, no additional settings are
required; the only required item is the asterisk to tell OS/2
to load the default command processor. For details on the
command line options available for 4DOS objects see Chapter
4, and the Starting 4DOS section of the online help.
If you precede a command name in the Parameters field with
/C, 4DOS will exit and return to the OS/2 desktop when the
command is finished. This is a "temporary" VDM used to
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
execute a single command or batch file. Temporary VDMs are
also created automatically by OS/2 if you set up an object
with the Program Name set to the name of a DOS application.
See the Compatibility section of the online help for
additional information on using 4DOS under OS/2, including:
* More details on using temporary VDMs to run DOS
applications and batch files.
* Configuring 4DOS for Dual Boot and Boot Manager.
* Selecting different startup files (4DOS.INI,
AUTOEXEC.BAT, and 4START) for different DOS sessions.
* Why changing the DOS_SHELL setting for your DOS
session objects may cause difficulty later if you
update the SHELL= setting in CONFIG.SYS.
Uninstalling 4DOS Manually
For automated uninstall instructions, see page 23.
The steps required to remove 4DOS from your system manually
depend on the operating system you are using:
* If you are running 4DOS under Windows 95/98, and you
installed the 4DOS registry extensions, start by
removing them as described on page 48.
* Next, if you are running 4DOS under Windows 3.x,
Windows 95/98, or OS/2, change or delete any desktop
objects that refer directly to 4DOS. Under Windows
95/98 you can use the Windows Explorer, or manually
uninstall JP4DOSSC.INF as described on page 46.
* Find the location of COMMAND.COM on your disk (for
example, in the root directory, or the DOS
directory). Then use your editor to edit the
CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of the boot
drive. (If you are running DOS 5 or below, before
modifying the CONFIG.SYS file be sure you have a
bootable floppy disk as described on page 36).
Look for the line which begins with SHELL=, and
either delete it, or insert the characters "REM " at
the beginning of the line. This converts the line
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Chapter 5 / 4DOS Configuration and Notes
into a "remark" or comment. Next, add a new line
like this:
SHELL=d:\path\COMMAND.COM d:\path /P
where "d:\path" is the drive and directory for
COMMAND.COM (this same directory name is repeated
after the full name of COMMAND.COM and before the
/P). If you were previously running COMMAND.COM with
a /E:nnnn switch to set the size of your environment,
add it to this line as well.
* After CONFIG.SYS has been modified, edit your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to remove any changes made to
accommodate 4DOS. Look for a command beginning SET
COMSPEC= and another which loads the 4DOS file
KSTACK.COM. The SET COMSPEC command will not be
present on most systems. If it's there, remove it,
or change it to read:
where "d:\path" is replaced by the correct drive and
directory for COMMAND.COM. Then add "REM " in front
of the KSTACK.COM command to convert it to a
comment, or delete the line entirely.
Now reboot your system, and you should be back up and running
under COMMAND.COM. You can check the 4DOS directory for any
files you placed there that you want to save. Then delete
the 4DOS files and remove the 4DOS directory if you wish to
do so.
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
4OS2 works well with virtually all computers that run OS/2 version
2.1 or later. This chapter provides the basic information you
need to run 4OS2 in any of the standard PC environments. If you
need more detailed technical information or troubleshooting
assistance on any of these topics, consult the Troubleshooting,
Service, and Support topic in the 4OS2 online help.
If you used the automated installation program to install 4OS2,
you can safely skip this chapter, and return to it only if you
have difficulty with the program or want to fine-tune it meet your
4OS2 Installation Notes
You can install and use 4OS2 under OS/2 version 2.1 or above,
including OS/2 Warp 3 and 4.
When you install 4OS2, your OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file must be
modified to make 4OS2 the default OS/2 command processor, and
to update certain directives to include the path to your 4OS2
files. You can allow the installation software to make these
changes automatically, or you can make them yourself at a
later time (see Manual Installation of 4OS2 below for
Manual Installation of 4OS2
This section is for advanced users, and assumes you are
generally familiar with CONFIG.SYS and other concepts such as
ASCII editors and batch files. In most cases you can select
the installation options you need using the automated
installation program, and manual installation is not
In order to install 4OS2 manually, you must extract or copy
the necessary files, brand 4OS2 if necessary, create or
modify any configuration files you need, and then create the
necessary commands to start the program on your system.
Extracting or Copying the Program Files
When you extract or copy the 4OS2 files, be sure to place
them in their own directory, rather than using the same
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
directory as a previous version of the program, a directory
used by other JP Software products, or a directory used by
other software.
We strongly recommend that you place all of the 4OS2 files in
the same directory. See 4OS2 Files and Directories on page
58 for some important considerations if you choose not to
follow this recommendation.
The method used to extract or copy the files depends on how
you obtained your copy of the program:
* If you have a JP Software diskette you must use the
installation program described in the preceding
section because the files are compressed on the
distribution disk. You cannot simply copy the files
onto your hard disk. Select Custom Install and
follow the prompts to specify the installation
directory and copy the files. Then exit the
installation program with Ctrl-X, or answer No when
prompted for whether to proceed with each additional
* If you have a copy purchased electronically you must
use the installation program to extract the files as
described above. First extract the installation
files from the compressed file you downloaded into a
temporary directory, then run the INSTALL program.
Use the Custom Install option as described in the
preceding paragraph.
* If you have the JP CD Suite, all of the files are
stored uncompressed on the CD, in the \4OS2
directory, and you can copy them manually if you
wish. However, we still recommend that you use the
installation program described above to copy the
files. Some files may be renamed after copying, and
some files are used only during the installation
process and do not need to be copied to your hard
disk. If you copy the files manually, a few may not
have the correct names, and you may copy more files
than you need, resulting in wasted hard disk space.
* If you have a downloaded trial copy of the program,
or a copy distributed on a CD or diskette of trial
software, extract the files into a new directory
using the appropriate decompression program (e.g.
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
"Branding" 4OS2
(If you are not familiar with branding, refer to the general
information on page 21 before continuing with this section.)
If you have purchased a copy of 4OS2, the automated
installation procedure will normally run the BR4OS2 program
to check your name, serial number, and validation code and
"brand" 4OS2 as a registered product (in some cases 4OS2 may
not operate properly until this step is completed). If you
need to brand 4OS2 manually, start a 4OS2 or CMD.EXE session,
change to the directory where 4OS2 is stored, and enter the
[c:\4os2300] br4os2
Follow the instructions displayed by BR4OS2 to enter your
name, serial number, and validation code. All information
must be entered exactly as shown on your original brand card,
label, or electronically delivered branding information; you
cannot change spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
If you are upgrading from a previous version and using an old
copy of the BRAND.EXE program distributed with that version,
you must start BRAND from a 4DOS, CMD.EXE, or COMMAND.COM
session, not from 4OS2, because older versions of BRAND
cannot brand 4OS2 while it is running. (The newer BR4OS2
program does not have this restriction.)
When you're ready to finish installing 4OS2, you need to make
five changes to your CONFIG.SYS file. Use an ASCII editor to
make these changes. The examples below assume that 4OS2 is
installed in the C:\4OS2300 directory; if you use a different
directory, alter the instructions accordingly.
* Find the line in CONFIG.SYS that begins with the
words SET OS2_SHELL. It should look something like
Change the line to point to 4OS2.EXE, instead of
CMD.EXE. The altered line should look something like
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
* Find the line that begins with the words SET COMSPEC.
It should look something like this:
Change this line so that it also points to 4OS2.EXE:
* Find the three lines that begin with SET BOOKSHELF,
SET DPATH, and LIBPATH (these lines may not all be
together in CONFIG.SYS). Each is a list of
directories separated by semicolons, for example:
Add a semi-colon [;] and the name of the 4OS2
directory to the end of each line:
SET DPATH=C:\OS2;... ;C:\4OS2300
LIBPATH=C:\OS2\DLL;... ;C:\4OS2300
Check the changes you have made and save the CONFIG.SYS file.
Then exit from your editor, shut down OS/2, and reboot your
system. You should be up and running under 4OS2 when you
start a full-screen or windowed OS/2 command-line session.
4OS2 Files and Directories
We strongly recommend that you place all 4OS2 files in the
same directory. If you do not do so, you will probably have
to explicitly set the locations of 4OS2 files to avoid
If you do wish to move files to different directories, the
following information will help you set up the programs
4OS2.EXE is the 4OS2 program file. It must be in the
directory specified in the SET OS2_SHELL and SET COMSPEC
lines in your CONFIG.SYS file as explained above.
JPOS2DLL.DLL is a library used by 4OS2.EXE (and by Take
Command for OS/2). This file must be in a directory
listed in the LIBPATH setting in CONFIG.SYS. If you
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
prefer, you can move this file into the standard OS/2
DLL directory, \OS2\DLL.
4OS2.INF contains the text for the 4OS2 help system.
For the help system to work properly, the directory
containing this file must be included in the BOOKSHELF
environment variable, which is usually set with a SET
BOOKSHELF command in CONFIG.SYS. If you prefer, you can
move this file into the standard OS/2 bookshelf
directory, \OS2\BOOK.
4OS2H.MSG contains the help text for the /? option that
is available as part of each 4OS2 internal command. For
this feature to work properly, the directory containing
this file must be included in the DPATH environment
variable, which is usually set with a SET DPATH command
in CONFIG.SYS. If you prefer, you can move this file
into the standard OS/2 directory for such files,
KEYSTACK.EXE is a utility used by the KEYSTACK command
to pass keystrokes to other applications. For the
KEYSTACK command to work, this file must be in the same
directory as 4OS2.EXE, or in a directory included in
your PATH.
OPTION2.EXE is a utility used by the OPTION command to
configure 4OS2. For the OPTION command to work, this
file must be in the same directory as 4OS2.EXE, or in a
directory included in your PATH.
SHRALIAS.EXE is a utility used by the SHRALIAS command
to save the shared alias and history lists between 4OS2
sessions. For the SHRALIAS command to work, this file
must be in the same directory as 4OS2.EXE, or in a
directory included in your PATH.
Creating Desktop Objects for 4OS2
This section assumes you are running OS/2 Warp 4, with the
default desktop shell and a standard OS/2 desktop. If you
are using an earlier version of OS/2 or a different shell, or
have altered your OS/2 desktop configuration substantially,
you will need to take those changes into account as you read
the instructions below.
The 4OS2 installation program normally creates a desktop
folder which contains objects to start 4OS2 and its online
help. If you want to create additional objects in other
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Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
folders, or directly on the desktop, click mouse button 2 on
the installed 4OS2 object, select Copy on the popup menu, and
copy the object to another location as desired. You can then
alter the properties of the new object if you wish.
If you need to create a new 4OS2 object, switch to the folder
where you want the object to appear and either copy an
existing object (use the Copy or Create Another selection on
the object's popup menu) or drag a Program Template in from
the Templates folder. The new object's Properties notebook
should open automatically. Use the Program page of the
notebook to modify the path and file name, parameters, and
startup directory. You must also set the session type on the
Session page of the notebook whenever the Path and File Name
field is changed on the Program page.
If you allowed the installation program to modify CONFIG.SYS,
or made the appropriate changes manually so that 4OS2 is the
default command interpreter named on the SET OS2_SHELL line,
you can use an asterisk [*] in the Path and File Name field
and the new object will start 4OS2 as the default command
processor. If you did not modify CONFIG.SYS for 4OS2, you
must put the full path and filename for 4OS2.EXE in the Path
and File Name field.
You can put command-line switches, a command, or the name of
a batch file in the Parameters field for any object. This
allows you to run specific commands or set configuration
options when you start 4OS2 from that object. However, no
additional settings are required; the only required item is
the drive and path for 4OS2.EXE (or an asterisk if 4OS2 is
installed as your default command processor). For details on
the command line options available for 4OS2 objects see
Chapter 4, and the Starting 4OS2 section of the online help.
For more information on creating and configuring desktop
objects see your OS/2 documentation.
The 4OS2 Help System
The 4OS2 help text, in the file 4OS2.INF, covers 4OS2
features and internal commands.
OS/2 ships with reference text for CMD.EXE internal and OS/2
external commands, in the file \OS2\BOOK\CMDREF.INF. This
text is normally displayed along with 4OS2's help when the
HELP command or F1 key is used, to assist you in obtaining
help on external OS/2 commands like CHKDSK and FORMAT.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 60
Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
To accomplish this, 4OS2 passes the help file name
"4OS2+CMDREF" to the OS/2 help program, so that the help
program opens both help "books". You can specify a different
set of "books" to be opened when HELP or F1 is invoked by
adjusting the HelpBook directive in 4OS2.INI, or the
corresponding entry on the Options 2 page in the
configuration notebook. For example, to set up 4OS2 so that
only 4OS2 help is displayed (without the CMDREF book) when F1
is pressed, you would include the following directive in
4OS2.INI, or make the corresponding change in the
configuration notebook:
When more than one book is listed in the HelpBook setting,
the OS/2 help program will see the combined group as a single
book. The displayed Table of Contents will include the
tables of contents from all the listed books, joined together
as one group of topics with no divisions to show where one
book ends and the next begins. If any of the listed books
are not available the help program will not start.
If you start the help system from a windowed 4OS2 session,
you will be returned to that session when you are done. If
you start the help system from a full-screen session, you
must manually return to that session using standard OS/2
methods for switching between sessions (this is due to the
design of the OS/2 help system and is not a limitation of
You can also keep the help window on the screen and return to
the 4OS2 session, switching between the two sessions as
needed. This may be useful when you are writing a batch
file, working on a complex command, or experimenting with
The 4OS2 installation program sets up a separate object for
the help system so that you can load the help file directly.
To create a similar object manually, use entries like this on
the Program page of the object's Settings notebook:
Path and File Name: VIEW.EXE
Parameters: 4OS2
Working Directory: d:\path
where "d:\path" is the directory where you installed 4OS2.
The help system can also be used to obtain help on OS/2 error
codes. If you type either of these commands:
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 61
Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
[c:\] help nnnn
[c:\] help sysnnnn
where "nnnn" is an OS/2 system error number, HELP will
display an explanation of the OS/2 error. This feature works
by running the OS/2 program HELPMSG.EXE which opens the file
OSO001.H to get the explanation. For this feature to work,
HELPMSG.EXE must be in a directory that is in your PATH, and
the data file OSO001H.MSG must be in a directory in your
DPATH (OS/2 sets up HELPMSG.EXE and OS0001H.MSG this way by
You can also use the 4OS2 HELP command to change the PROMPT
setting. HELP ON will change the default prompt to $i[$p],
and HELP OFF will change the default prompt to [$p]. This
feature is included for compatibility with OS/2's CMD.EXE,
and is implemented by running the HELP.CMD file which comes
with OS/2 (typically stored in the \OS2 directory). Changing
the prompt is probably better accomplished by using the
PROMPT command instead of HELP ON or HELP OFF.
4OS2 also supports the /? switch to display help for any
command. Using /? will display brief help text for the
command within the 4OS2 window.
If you have a STARTUP.CMD file in the root directory of your
OS/2 boot drive, OS/2 will automatically create a windowed
4OS2 session when the system boots and will tell that session
to execute STARTUP.CMD. (This is a feature of OS/2 and does
not depend on 4OS2. If CMD.EXE is your OS/2 command
interpreter, it will be used to run STARTUP.CMD.)
You can use STARTUP.CMD to start other sessions, to set up a
global alias list, to execute the SHRALIAS command, etc.,
just as you might use AUTOEXEC.BAT under DOS. STARTUP.CMD
will be executed once, when your system boots, not every time
a 4OS2 session is started.
If you place the command EXIT at the end of STARTUP.CMD, the
session created to run STARTUP.CMD will end when that command
is executed, and any global alias and history lists will be
discarded (unless another 4OS2 session has been started or
SHRALIAS has been executed). If you don't include an EXIT,
the session will remain open and can be used as a normal
windowed 4OS2 session. If you have a 4START file, it will be
run before STARTUP.CMD.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 62
Chapter 6 / 4OS2 Configuration and Notes
Uninstalling 4OS2 Manually
For automated uninstall instructions, see page 23.
To manually remove 4OS2 from your system, follow these steps:
* First, find the location of CMD.EXE on your disk (for
example, in the \OS2 directory).
* Delete or change any desktop objects that refer
directly to 4OS2. If you want to continue using the
same objects to run programs or batch files with
CMD.EXE, substitute the full path to CMD.EXE for the
reference to 4OS2. Change any startup parameters as
* Use an ASCII editor to edit your CONFIG.SYS file.
Look for a line that starts SET OS2_SHELL, and
another that starts SET COMSPEC:
Change both lines to point to CMD.EXE, for example:
* Search the CONFIG.SYS file for any other mention of
the 4OS2 directory. In a typical installation, the
directory name will be listed in the SET BOOKSHELF,
SET DPATH, and LIBPATH lines. You may also have
added it to the SET PATH line (although the
installation program does not do so). Remove each
reference to the 4OS2 directory, but leave the rest
of each line unchanged.
* Finally, if you have a STARTUP.CMD file in the root
directory of the boot drive, load it into your editor
and remove any references in it to 4OS2 and any
commands that depend on 4OS2 (such as commands that
load aliases).
Now reboot your system, and you should be back up and running
under CMD.EXE when you start a full-screen or windowed
command-line session. Check your 4OS2 directory for any
files you placed there that you want to save. Then you can
then delete the 4OS2 files and remove the 4OS2 directory if
you wish to do so.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 63
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
4NT works well with virtually all Intel-based computers that run
Windows NT version 3.5 or later (contact JP Software for
information on running 4NT on non-Intel platforms). This chapter
provides the basic information you need to run 4NT. If you need
more detailed technical information or troubleshooting assistance
on any of these topics, consult the Troubleshooting, Service, and
Support topic in the 4NT online help.
If you used the automated installation program to install 4NT, you
can safely skip this chapter, and return to it only if you have
difficulty with the program or want to fine-tune it meet your
4NT Installation Notes
When you install 4NT under Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51, no system
files will be modified. If you install 4NT under Windows NT
4.x the installation program will create a Start menu group
for JP Software products, including 4NT. In addition, a
small group of entries will be added to the system registry
(if you allow such modifications); for more details see page
Installing 4NT does not modify, remove, or otherwise alter
any of your other system files.
If you regularly run 16-bit character-mode applications which
"shell to DOS" (i.e., start a secondary command prompt
session), including 16-bit MAKE utilities, we recommend that
you enable the NTCMDPROMPT directive in the
\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT file. This is a Windows NT feature
which affects operation of shells started from 16-bit
programs, and is not specifically related to 4NT. However,
in our experience using it improves operation, and prevents
certain problems with secondary shells (e.g., requiring you
to type an extra EXIT command to return to the parent
application). NTCMDPROMPT may or may not work well in your
particular situation, and experimentation is usually required
to determine the best configuration. For further
documentation on NTCMDPROMPT read the comments provided by
Microsoft in CONFIG.NT.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 64
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Manual Installation of 4NT
This section is for advanced users and assumes you are
generally familiar with ASCII editors, batch files, and other
similar concepts. In most cases you can select the
installation options you need using the automated
installation program, and manual installation is not
In order to install 4NT manually, you must extract or copy
the necessary files, brand 4NT if necessary, and then create
desktop objects to start the program on your system.
Extracting or Copying the Program Files
When you extract or copy the 4NT files, be sure to place them
in their own directory, rather than using the same directory
as a previous version of the program, a directory used by
other JP Software products, or a directory used by other
We strongly recommend that you place all of the 4NT files in
the same directory. See 4NT Files and Directories on page 68
for some important considerations if you choose not to follow
this recommendation.
The method used to extract or copy the files depends on how
you obtained your copy of the program:
* If you have a JP Software diskette you must use the
installation program described in Chapter 2 because
the files are compressed on the distribution disk.
You cannot simply copy the files onto your hard disk.
Select Custom Install and follow the prompts to
specify the installation directory and copy the
files. Then exit the installation program with Ctrl-
X, or answer No when prompted for whether to proceed
with each additional step.
* If you have a copy purchased electronically you must
use the installation program to extract the files as
described above. First extract the installation
files from the compressed file you downloaded into a
temporary directory, then run the INSTALL program.
Use the Custom Install option as described in the
preceding paragraph.
* If you have the JP CD Suite, all of the files are
stored uncompressed on the CD, in the \4NT directory,
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 65
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
and you can copy them manually if you wish. However,
we still recommend that you use the installation
program described above to copy the files. Some
files may be renamed after copying, and some files
are used only during the installation process and do
not need to be copied to your hard disk. If you copy
the files manually, a few may not have the correct
names, and you may copy more files than you need,
resulting in wasted hard disk space.
* If you have a downloaded trial copy of the program,
or a copy distributed on a CD or diskette of trial
software, extract the files into a new directory
using the appropriate decompression program (e.g.
"Branding" 4NT
(If you are not familiar with branding, refer to the general
information on page 21 before continuing with this section.)
If you have purchased a copy of 4NT, the automated
installation procedure will normally run the BR4NT program to
check your name, serial number, and validation code and
"brand" 4NT as a registered product (in some cases 4NT may
not operate properly until this step is completed). If you
need to brand 4NT manually, start a 4NT or CMD.EXE ("MS-DOS
Prompt") session, change to the directory where 4NT is
stored, and enter the command:
[c:\4nt300] br4nt
Follow the instructions displayed by BR4NT to enter your
name, serial number, and validation code. All information
must be entered exactly as shown on your original brand card,
label, or electronically delivered branding information; you
cannot change spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
If you are upgrading from a previous version and using an old
copy of the BRAND.EXE program distributed with that version,
you must start BRAND from a CMD.EXE session, not from 4NT,
because older versions of BRAND cannot brand 4NT while it is
running. (The newer BR4NT program does not have this
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 66
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Updating System Files and the Registry for 4NT
4NT doesn't require any changes to any system files. Once
you have placed the 4NT program files in their own directory,
the installation is finished except for creating desktop
objects to start the program (see page 68 below).
JP Software distributes a file of registry extensions for
4NT, for use under Windows NT 4.x. The registry extensions
are stored in the file JP4NT.INF. Installing these
extensions will:
* Designate 4NT .BTM files (enhanced batch files) as
batch files. They will then be recognized as such by
the Windows Explorer;
* Provide an additional "open" option in the context
(mouse button 2) menu of all batch files, to
explicitly run the file with 4NT; and
* Create a new entry in the context menu of drives and
directories to launch 4NT in that drive / directory.
You will have the option to install JP4NT.INF automatically
during the 4NT installation process. You can also install it
manually by opening the 4NT directory from within the Windows
Explorer, clicking on JP4NT.INF with mouse button 2, and
selecting INSTALL from the popup menu. If you have a
downloaded trial copy of 4NT, JP4NT.INF will not be installed
automatically; you must use manual installation. See the
comments in the file for additional details.
JP4NT.INF assumes that you have a relatively standard system
configuration. If you have modified basic items in your
registry (such as the characteristics of the system file type
"batfile"), the registry extensions may not work correctly.
To adjust the registry entries made when you install
JP4NT.INF, open the Windows Explorer, and select Options on
the View menu. Click on the File Types tab and find the
listing for batch files (typically under "MS-DOS Batch
File"). Use the Edit button to adjust this listing.
JP4NT.INF also makes minor changes to the Drive and Directory
types; you may want to modify these as well. Note that some
of these file types may not be editable on your system,
depending on the settings of various edit flags in the
To remove the registry entries created by JP4NT.INF, open the
Windows Control Panel and select Add / Remove Programs.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 67
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Select the item listed as "JP Software's 4NT Registry
Extensions (remove only)" and click the Add / Remove button.
The registry extensions will be removed without further
prompting. The removal operation may not work correctly if
you modified the registry entries manually after they were
JP Software's Take Command/32 also includes a .INF file which
creates registry extensions, some of which are the same as
those used by 4NT. Therefore, if you remove the 4NT
extensions you will also remove some extensions used by Take
Command/32. If this causes a problem you can correct it by
manually reinstalling the Take Command/32 extensions after
removing those for 4NT.
4NT Files and Directories
We strongly recommend that you place all 4NT files in the
same directory. If you do not do so, you will probably have
to explicitly set the locations of 4NT files to avoid
If you do wish to move files to different directories, the
following information will help you set up the programs
4NT.EXE is the 4NT program file. It must be in the
directory specified in the Command Line field of every
4NT object.
4NT.HLP contains the text for the 4NT help system.
4NT.HLP must be in the same directory as 4NT.EXE.
SHRALIAS.EXE is a small utility that is used by the
SHRALIAS command to save the shared alias and history
lists between 4NT sessions. For the SHRALIAS command to
work, this file must be in the same directory as
4NT.EXE, or in a directory included in your PATH.
Creating Desktop Objects for 4NT
The method you use to create a desktop object for 4NT depends
on whether you are using Explorer or Program Manager as your
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 68
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Creating Explorer Shortcuts
This section assumes you are running Windows NT 4.x, with
Explorer as your Windows shell, and with a standard Windows
desktop. If you are using Program Manager, see the next
section. If you have altered your Windows desktop
configuration substantially, you may need to take those
changes into account as you read the instructions below.
When 4NT is installed it normally creates a JP Software
program group which appears on the Start Menu under
Programs, and includes items to start 4NT and its online
help. The installation program also creates a desktop
shortcut for 4NT. These entries are created based on the
file JP4NTSC.INF, which is distributed with 4NT.
If you have a downloaded trial copy of 4NT, JP4NTSC.INF may
not be installed automatically; if you want to install it you
may need to do so manually. See the comments below and in
the file for additional details.
If you need to create a similar program group or shortcuts
manually -- for example, if the JP Software group on the Start
menu is inadvertently damaged or deleted -- you can use the
Windows Explorer's facilities for creating shortcuts and
modifying the desktop and / or the Start menu (see below).
You can also reinstall JP4NTSC.INF manually if you wish;
see the comments in the file for details.
To remove the desktop shortcuts and group created by
JP4NTSC.INF, open the Windows Control Panel and select Add
/ Remove Programs. Select the item listed as "JP Software
4NT shortcuts (remove only)" and click the Add / Remove
button. The 4NT shortcuts will be removed without further
prompting, and the group will be removed if it becomes
empty. The removal operation may not work correctly if you
modified the group or shortcuts manually after they were
If you want to create additional shortcuts elsewhere on the
Start menu, or modify the Programs entries, click mouse
button 2 in an open area of the Task Bar, and select
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 69
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
Properties on the popup menu. Select the Start Menu Programs
tab and modify or adjust the menus as required.
You can also manually create one or more shortcuts on the
desktop to run 4NT. To do so click with mouse button 2 in
any open area of the desktop. On the popup menu click New,
then Shortcut. Fill in the drive and path as d:\path\4NT.EXE
(use the appropriate drive and path for your system). Add
any other command line options you wish to set to the end of
the line.
You can also put command-line switches, a command, or the
name of a batch file at the end of the command line for any
shortcut. This allows you to run specific commands or set
configuration options when you start 4NT from that shortcut.
For details on the command line options available, see
Chapter 4 and the Starting 4NT section of the online help.
For more information on creating and configuring shortcuts or
modifying the Start Menu, see your Windows 95/98 or Windows
NT documentation.
Creating Program Manager Items
This section applies to Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51 with Program
Manager as the shell.
When 4NT is installed it normally creates a program group
which appears in the Program Manager, and includes items to
run 4NT and its online help. If you want to create a new
item for 4NT in any group, use the Program Manager's File /
New menu selection. Set the command line to d:\path\4NT.EXE
(use the appropriate drive and path for your system).
You can put command-line switches, a command, or the name of
a batch file at the end of the command line for any item.
This allows you to run specific commands or set configuration
options when you start 4NT from that item.
The 4NT Help System
When you start the 4NT help system, 4NT opens a new window to
run the standard Windows NT help program. The help program
displays the help text from the file 4NT.HLP, and lets you
browse through it.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 70
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
4NT's help text does not cover the Windows NT external
commands because they are included in Windows NT's built-in
Command Reference.
If you start the help system from a 4NT window on the Windows
NT desktop, you will be returned to that window when you
close the help program. However, if you have switched the
window to full-screen mode before invoking the help system,
you must return to 4NT manually (using standard Windows NT
methods for switching between windows). This is due to the
design of Windows NT Help and is not a limitation of 4NT.
You can also keep the help window on the screen and return to
the 4NT window, switching between the two windows as needed.
This may be useful when you are writing a batch file, working
on a complex command, or experimenting with 4NT.
In order for the 4NT help system to work properly, the help
text file, 4NT.HLP, must be in the same directory as 4NT.EXE.
The 4NT installation program sets up a separate object for
the help system so that you can load the help file directly.
To create a similar object manually, create an object with a
command line like this:
Command Line: WINHELP C:\4NT300\4NT.HLP
(Change the drive and path to reflect the location of 4NT.HLP
on your system.)
4NT also supports the /? switch to display help for any
command. Using /? will display help for the command using
the Windows NT help system.
Uninstalling 4NT Manually
For automated uninstall instructions, see page 23.
The steps required to remove 4NT manually depend on the
version of Windows NT you are using:
* If you installed the 4NT registry extensions, start
by removing them as described on page 67.
* Next, use the Windows Explorer or Program Manager to
remove any shortcuts or desktop objects for 4NT, or
manually uninstall the JP4NTSC.INF file as described
on page 69.
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 71
Chapter 7 / 4NT Configuration and Notes
* Check the 4NT directory for any files you placed
there that you want to save. Then you can then
delete the 4NT files and directory from your hard
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 72
Index 4OS2 (continued)
directory, 55, 58
4 manual, 55
notes, 55
4DOS uninstalling, 63
branding, 37 4OS2.INF, 59, 60
compatibility with 4OS2.INI, see .INI file
memory, 42 4START, 34
Microsoft Windows, see and startup command, 33
Microsoft Windows single-step option, 33
Microsoft Windows 95/98,
see Microsoft
Windows 95/98 A
older DOS versions, 36
operating system Alias list, local and global,
versions, 35 42
OS/2, see OS/2 Aliases, 14
video display, 42 local and global, 31
configuration, 35 technical support for, 5
installation ANSI driver, and 4DOS, 42
directory, 36, 40 APPEND command, and 4DOS, 43
manual, 36 AUTOEXEC.BAT
notes, 35 and installation, 21, 39
uninstalling, 53 and startup command, 33
4DOS.HLP, 40, 41 disabling, 30
4DOS.INI, see .INI file modifying, for 4DOS, 35
4DOS.PIF, 45 running, 32
4EXIT, 34 single-step option, 33
4HELP.EXE, 40, 41 starting KSTACK.COM, 39
and operating system
versions, 64 B
branding, 66
configuration, 64 Batch files, 15
installation startup, see Startup
directory, 65, 68 options
manual, 65 technical support for, 5
notes, 64 under Windows 95/98, 47
uninstalling, 71 under Windows NT, 67
4NT.HLP, 68, 70 BOOKSHELF setting, for 4OS2,
4NT.INI, see .INI file 58, 63
4OS2 Branding, 21
and operating system 4DOS, 37
versions, 55 4NT, 66
branding, 57 4OS2, 57
configuration, 55 upgrades, 22, 23
creating desktop objects .BTM files, see Batch files
for, 59
folder, 59
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 73
C Configuration (continued)
4OS2, 55
CMD.EXE (OS/2), help for, 60 4START and 4EXIT, 34
Colors OPTION command, 34
problems with, in 4DOS, 42 primary and secondary
setting, in 4NT, 32 shells, 28
Command history, local and startup options, 29
global, 31 Contacting JP Software, 3
Command line enhancements, 12 Critical errors, 31
Command line options, see Customer service, 3
Startup options
COMMAND.COM, in Microsoft
Windows, 44 D
new and enhanced, 9 DBLSPACE, and 4DOS, 43
startup, see Startup Directory history list, local
options and global, 31
Compatibility (4DOS) Diskless workstations, 49
and DOS, 43 Disks
and Microsoft Windows, 44 drives, and 4DOS, 42
and Microsoft Windows free space, and 4DOS, 43
95/98, 45 DOS
and networks, 49 older versions, and 4DOS,
and Novell Netware, 50 36
COMSPEC shell, 9
environment variable versions of, 1
setting automatically, DPATH setting, for 4OS2, 58,
29 63
setting manually, 39 DR DOS, and 4DOS, 1, 43
in OS/2, 57, 63 DRVSPACE, and 4DOS, 43
path, 29, 38
and installation, 21, 38
DOS Enhancements
configuration aliases and batch files,
utilities, 43 14
modifying, for 4DOS, command line, 12
35 commands, 9
OS/2 configuration, 14
changes for 4OS2, 57, Environment, memory for, 31
modifying, for 4DOS,
38 F
modifying, for 4OS2,
55 FASTOPEN, and 4DOS, 44
Configuration, 14, 28 File locations, see
.INI file, 34 Installation directory
4DOS, 35
4NT, 64
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 74
File names, on networks, and Installation (continued)
4DOS, 49 preparing for, 18
FORMAT /S command, and 4DOS, of upgrades, 19
43 reversing, 23
4DOS, 53
4NT, 71
H 4OS2, 63
InstallPath, 39
Hard drives, and 4DOS, 42 Internet
HELP command, MS-DOS, 43 JP Software addresses on,
Help system, 3, 25 4
/? option, 25 support via, 6
4DOS, 41
4NT, 70
4OS2, 60 J
key topics in, 26
location of files JP Software, contacting, 3
4DOS, 40 JP4DOS.INF, see Microsoft
4NT, 68 Windows 95/98, registry
4OS2, 59 extensions
History list, local and JP4NT.INF, see Microsoft
global, 42 Windows NT, registry
.INI directives, on startup
command line, 30 KSTACK.COM, 39
.INI file, 34 and Windows 95/98, 39, 48
and manual installation of
4DOS, 39
location of, 30 L
Installation, 18
automatic, 19 LIBPATH setting, for 4OS2, 58,
custom, 21 63
directory Local and global aliases and
4DOS, 36, 40 history, 31, 42
4NT, 65, 68
4OS2, 55, 58
express, 21 M
from diskette, 20
from JP CD Suite, 20 Memory, and 4DOS, 42
manual Microsoft Windows, 44
4DOS, 36 4DOS program items for, 44
4NT, 65 and 4DOS primary shell, 44
4OS2, 55 versions of, 1
of downloaded trial copy, Microsoft Windows 95/98, 45
22 and 4DOS batch files, 47
of electronically and 4DOS primary shell, 45
purchased copy, 20 and KSTACK.COM, 48
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 75
Microsoft Windows (continued) OS/2
AUTOEXEC.BAT, 45 and 4DOS, 50
CONFIG.SYS, 45 creating desktop objects,
HELP command, 43 for 4DOS, 51
installing 4DOS, 45 creating desktop objects,
popup menus, adding 4DOS, for 4OS2, 59
47 DOS sessions, 50
registry extensions for system error codes, 61
4DOS, 47 versions of, 1
removing, 48, 53 Virtual DOS machines
shortcuts, for 4DOS, 46 (VDMs), 50
versions of, 1 OS2_SHELL setting, for 4OS2,
Microsoft Windows NT 57, 60, 63
and 4NT batch files, 67
popup menus, adding 4NT,
67 Popup menus, Windows 95/98,
registry extensions for adding 4DOS, 47
4NT, 67 Popup menus, Windows NT,
removing, 67, 71 adding 4NT, 67
shortcuts, for 4NT, 69 Primary shell, 28
versions of, 1 and Windows, 44
MOVE command, 4DOS, 44 and Windows 95/98, 45
MS-DOS / PC-DOS, see also DOS Prompt Solution newsletter, 7
and 4DOS, 1, 43
APPEND command, 43
FORMAT /S command, 43 Q
HELP command, 43
version 6.x, 33 Quick help, 25
4DOS, 41
4NT, 71
N 4OS2, 59, 62
Networks, 49
diskless workstations on, R
file and directory names README.TXT, 3
on, and 4DOS, 49 Reference manual, 2
Novell DOS, and 4DOS, 1, 43 Registration, 7
Novell Netware, 50 Registry, see Microsoft
diskless workstations on, Windows 95/98; Microsoft
50 Windows NT
NTCMDPROMPT, 64 Resident portion (of 4DOS), 42
OpenDOS, and 4DOS, 1, 43
OPTION command, 34
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 76
S Upgrades, 7
branding, 22, 23
Scrolling problems, and 4DOS, installing, 19
Secondary shell, 28
4NT, 64 V
Service, 3
Shell Video display, and 4DOS, 42
DOS shell, 9
primary, 28
secondary, 28
4NT, 64
for 4DOS, 46
for 4NT, 69
SMARTDRV, and 4DOS, 44
Start menu
adding 4DOS, 46
adding 4NT, 69
Startup files, 34
Startup options, 26, 29
commands, 33
for 4DOS under Microsoft
Windows, 44
for 4DOS under OS/2, 52
for 4NT, 70
for 4OS2, 60
STARTUP.CMD (OS/2), 62, 63
Support, 4
Take Command products, 1
Technical support, 4
consulting services, 6
for aliases and batch
files, 5
Transient portion (of 4DOS),
Uninstalling, 23
4DOS, 53
4NT, 71
4OS2, 63
Copr. 1999 JP Software Inc. 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT Install Guide / 77